A Likely Story

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Coruscant: 19 BBY
Senate Building
Riyo Chuchi

Riyo leaned forward and drummed her fingers on the flat edge of the Senate seat. She'd been there for two hours already, while the Senate discussed whether or not they should involve the military police in the Temple investigation. Currently, Senator Burtoni and Senator Aang were on the floor.

"Senator Aang, as head of the Military Oversight Committee, what are your thoughts on the matter?" Mas Amedda asked.

"I have thought long and hard about this," Senator Aang said carefully. "I must give my support to the involvement of the military police. After all, clones, gunships, and weaponry were destroyed in the explosion. Those were all property of the Republic."

"Precisely," Senator Burtoni muttered. The elderly Kaminoan looked around, as though daring someone to contradict them.

Riyo crossed her arms and gritted her teeth. A few seats away, Padmé looked equally unimpressed. Padmé stood, suddenly. "May I speak?" Her voice rang across the Senate Chamber.

"The Chair recognizes the senator from Naboo," Mas Amedda inclined his head towards her.

Padmé's seat joined Senator Butoni and Senator Aang's on the floor. "I know that Republic property and our troops were killed during this attack, but perhaps it is best to let the Jedi handle it. This attack happened within their Temple. There is no allusion towards Separatist involvement. The investigation is being handled by two perfectly capable Jedi."

"But what if the attack had been staged by a member of the Jedi Order?" Senator Burtoni asked. "How can we trust them to remain unbiased during such an affair?"

"It's no secret to the Senate that you have many friends who are Jedi, Senator," Senator Aang added.

Chancellor Palpatine stood and the three of them fell silent. "Your devotion towards your friends is admirable, Senator Amidala, but Senators Aang and Burtoni are correct. We can't trust the Jedi with this affair any further. I will still allow a vote, though. A decision must be made by all of us."

Riyo looked at the monitor before her. A voting screen appeared immediately. The Senate began to whisper as decisions were made. I know the Jedi could handle this investigation, and yet, Aang and Burtoni make good points. Riyo sighed and stared at the screen. Maybe the military police should be a part of the investigation, just in case something new develops. Riyo quickly cast her vote and waited.

At last, all of the votes were received. Mas Amedda whispered something to the Chancellor. Chancellor Palpatine stood. "It is decided. We will appoint a Republic military official to take over the investigation. This session is adjourned." The Chancellor's seat began to descend into his office.

Riyo stepped out of her seat and headed towards Padmé's. Padmé met her in the hall. "That could have gone better," she sighed.

"They did make good points," Riyo said.

"Did you vote to involve the military police?"

Riyo nodded. "I believe the Jedi could handle it on their own, but at the same time, I feel like we don't yet know the full story. The Jedi Council was being very quiet about what was learned. The Republic deserves answers too."

Padmé nodded. "I voted against it, but I suppose I'm biased. I admire your rational thinking."

"Thank you, but what do you mean you're biased?" They started walking towards their speeders.

"I do have many friends within the Jedi Order."

"As do I."

Padmé smiled a bit. "It's a bit hard to explain."

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