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"He told me about the possible collaboration but he said he wasn't comfortable collaborating with the company," I replied. "Well, maybe you could change his mind?" He lifted an eyebrow. Is he really serious right now. "Maybe," I replied brushing off the topic, taking him by surprise.

Just then someone opened my door. "Dad?" Jimin questioned. Jimin looked at me. I just shrugged my shoulders. They both quickly left for Jimin's office.


Jimin POV

We entered my office. "What were you doing?" I asked. "Nothing just having a chat with her that's all," he replied. "No. What were you really doing?" I questioned again more sternly. "Well I told her to try to get you to do the collaboration," he said. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you drag her into this?" I yelled. "Because I knew you wouldn't listen to me so I had to think of alternatives," he replied. "So you using my girlfriend to persuade me into doing something I don't want to do is an alternative?!" I was disappointed by my dad. "You're insane," I said. "Well not as insane as you for not taking the collaboration." He said. "All you care about is money, money, money," I said. "I can't risk my business on some shady company," I said. "It's not shady it's very successful," he opposed. "Tsk sure......maybe if you were running this company you would've collaborated but guess what you're not so I make the decisions! People have jobs here, I can't risk them loosing their jobs because I made one mistake," I said. "I already told you for the last time I'm not doing it!" I shouted. "Fine, don't do it, but this is the last you'll ever hear from me Jimin." With that said he left.

I scoffed. Who does he think he is?! Why would he drag Y/n into this?! Why would he do that? But this was the last I'd hear from him. Psht like I care.

I looked up only to see the most adorable figure standing in the door frame. "I'm so sorry about my dad," I apologized as she approached me. "It's ok, I wasn't really paying much attention to him anyway," she replied wrapping her arms so round my neck. "Why do you look so sad?" She asked. She could see right through me. "Nothing I'm ok," I assured her with a small smiled. "No you're not, now tell me," she ordered. "Well I told him to stop pushing me to do the collaboration and he said fine thill will be the last I'd hear from him," I explained.

"Oh.......are you ok though? That's really harsh," she pouted. "I'm fine, I'm tough guy," I assured. She laughed. "What?" I asked. "You? tough? Please," she scoffed. "You're such a softie," she replied giggling like an adorable kitten. I place my hand in my chest pretending to be hurt. "In my opinion, softies are way better than tough guys though," she smiled. I laughed at her adorableness. She's so cute.


After a long week I was tired. But I was worried about Jimin. I could tell he was really upset about what his dad said. I can't blame him. Words hurt. Especially from a parent. He was laying next to me watching TV but I knew he was distracted. I gently laid my head on his chest. He softly giggled and rubbed my head. It was nice to see him smile. It was really nice knowing I made him smile.


The next day was Saturday. It was nighttime. "Let's go have street food today," he suggested. "Really! Yay!" I squealed and grabbed our jackets. He threw his arm over my shoulder as we headed out the door.

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