Chapter Nineteen: OLIVIA

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The morning that they arrived back at their apartment in New York, Olivia practically begged Charles to stay the night so he wouldn't have to go home to an empty apartment. He agreed finally and headed home to get some clothes. Percy cleaned his room up that day for him because Jason was going to be in his own room. Last Olivia had heard before she headed off to bed that night, was that Jason and Piper were going to talk. Olivia had no clue why they broke up. No one did.

When Olivia awoke to her own alarm like normal, she bounded out of bed, took a shower and returned to the roof. She practiced soccer for about twenty minutes and then spent the next ten trying to master a move that Charles had taught her the previous week.

By the time she was out of her second shower and in the kitchen, most of her friends were awake. Annabeth was sitting on the couch reading, Leo sat at the dining room table tinkering with something that looked like a cockroach, Charles was sleeping on the chair in the living room, but was all dressed and ready to go. He looked cute sleeping. He wore his usual green jacket that Olivia loved to wear, with a tight cream colored shirt, black sweatpants and vans. Jason was sitting on a barstool next to Piper who was eating something green and suspicious. They seemed to be on good terms, but still not as on top of each other as they normally were. Their barstools were at least a couple feet apart.

"Morning!" She said brightly as she poured herself a bowl of cereal.

The group looked up and smiled, except for Charles who was still completely asleep.

"Morning. We better head off to school." Jason said pulling his sweatshirt over his head. Piper watched.

"Yeah me too. I've got a test first period." Leo said shoving his contraption into his tool belt.

"Oh shit. I totally forgot about that." Piper cursed in greek. "I'll come with you. I should study a bit before."

Leo and Piper scrambled out the door.

Annabeth set down her book. "I'll go wake Percy for the millionth time. Olivia you have fun waking him." She nodded her head towards Charles. "We've been trying for ages. Maybe he'll wake for you." She winked.

Jason headed out the door. Olivia noticed that he intentionally staggered his departure from Pipers.

Annabeth left, leaving Olivia and Charles alone. Olivia sat on the couch with her cereal and watched him sleep peacefully. Neither had said anything about their kiss. Olivia liked him a lot and began to get frustrated with him. She had asked him out, he had kissed her and then nothing had happened yet. Sure, that was partly Olivias fault but she was afraid that he would shut her down. I mean he had to have known, she had asked him out!

Annabeth emerged from the doorway dragging a half asleep Percy. She grabbed him an apple, slung on her backpack and slid on her shoes. Percy was already dressed. "You guys coming?" She asked as she opened the door.

"We both have frees first. We'll be over in a sec." Olivia said.

"Annabeth, I'm tireeddd." Percy whined.

"I'll give you something special if you make it to school today." She winked at him.

His eyes widened and he shut the door behind them, grinning.

After Olivia had finished her cereal. She walked over to where Charles was seated to attempt to wake him up.

The sliver of skin that was visible on his stomach where his shirt had ridden up made Olivia's heart beat faster.

"Charles?" She asked. No answer. "Charles?" No answer again. She leaned down and shook him violently. He didn't stir. She tried everything to wake him up. Eventually she climbed onto his lap, to slap him across the face when his eyes flew open. Her cheeks flamed. "Uh, sorry. I couldn't wake you up."

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