Chapter Fourteen: CHARLES

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When they arrived at the apartment, Olivia sat Charles down in the living room. She was still wearing his jacket, her dress still in tatters. She seemed pretty calm but on edge.

"Olivia?" Charles asked as Olivia cleaned her knife with her dress.

She looked up. "Yeah?"

"Please tell me what's happening here."

"Charles, I promise soon everything will make sense. But I have to wait for the others. You could be in danger if I tell you." She sat down across from him. "Charles, this isn't how I wanted to find out about this. But what is your relationship like with your parents? If you left for a few days would they be worried? Could you make up some excuse?"

"I live alone."

Olivia's eyes widened.

"My Dad lives in England and my mom has been in the hospital for a few months now."

"Charles, I'm so sorry. That sucks."

"Not really I get a whole apartment to myself except for the days my dad comes and visits." He looked down at his fingers. It wasn't true. It did suck. "Where are we going?"

"Okay, I'm going to tell you the basics. But I can't tell you much. The greek gods, and roman gods, are real. They moved west as humans expand and are currently stationed at the top of the Empire State Building."

Charles jaw dropped. He thought about his Greek mythology class earlier in the day.

"I'm a demigod. One of my parents is mortal, the other godly. Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper and Leo are all demigods. We get attacked by monsters often because we radiate some sort of scent that monsters can detect. You though, you're mortal. I'm not sure who you are or why the dracaena think you are special. But it's putting you in danger."

"Wha-how-what?" Charles could barely pull himself together. Once he gathered his thoughts he said, "How does no one know about this, though?"

"The mist. Something calls the mists clouds mortals visions and makes them see this as normal. Lots of the time they see something, just not what's actually happening. You, Charles, are one of the few people who can see through the mist."

Just then Annabeth and Percy came from downstairs running. "We just noticed your alert. Is everything okay?" Percy said as he took a seat on the couch, Annabeth joined him.

Charles blinked. Percy, his best friend on the planet, was half god, half human. What the hell. It made a little sense. He was always better looking and stronger that Charles. And confident in a different way.

Then they noticed Charles, they looked between him and Olivia.

"What is going on?" Annabeth demanded.

Olivia looked grim. "We should wait for the-"

Then the front door burst open. Grover, Leo, Jason and Piper ran through, shutting the door with a massive bang. Grover carried some instrument Charles didn't recognize, Leo held his hands out weirdly, Jason had a two foot long golden sword in hand and Piper held a knife similar to Olivias. If you ask Charles they looked pretty pants-crapping intimidating.

"You guys better sit down for this." Olivia said. She looked beautiful and confident. Charles could definitely see how she could be part goddess.

The group shared looks of confusion but sheathed their weapons and came to sit on the couch.

"Charles can see through the mist." Olivia started and recounted the attack from the dracaena.

"Is he a demigod?" Percy asked.

The Demigods Adventures at Goode High School {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now