Chapter Eighteen: JASON

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The girl he loved the most broke up with Jason with no explanation, no warning and no apparent reason. Jason felt alone. The only person who he could think of that would comfort him would be his sister, Thalia. But she wasn't coming anytime soon. After a long night of crying and disbelief, the gang took the, now repaired, buses back into Manhattan.

The tension in the van was high. Piper sat at the other end of the van, she looked just as distraught as Jason. Her eyes were puffy, she wore sweat pants and a sweatshirt and she sat by herself looking out the window the whole ride. Percy and Annabeth sat next to her. Annabeth was rubbing her arm to comfort her. While Leo sat beside Jason. Thankfully, he didn't attempt to make Jason feel any better, which was unlike Leo. The one person he wanted to hold right now was gone. Olivia and Charles sat in the front. Charles was driving while Olivia was passed out in the passengers seat.

When they arrived back at the apartment. Jason headed for his room, which had been occupied by Charles few nights before. Most of his stuff was in Piper's room, so all Jason could do was crawl in his already unmade bed and sulk.

He heard Piper crying from the next room over. It made his heart hurt that he couldn't comfort her. He still had no clue why they weren't together. He loved her. He thought she loved him, but apparently not. He heard a muffled sound from Pipers room as someone began talking to her. She sobbed and didn't say much. Jason wouldn't have been able to hear if she did.

Then a knock sounded on his door. He got up, wiped his eyes and turned the knob, revealing Percy who had a look on his face that showed sympathy.

"Hi Percy, what are you doing here?" He said trying to sound as okay as possible.

"I, um, wanted to check up on you. I know it's only been a day, but it was so sudden and feels so wrong. I was wondering if you would tell me what happened because none of us can figure it out."

Jason nodded and stepped aside. He crawled back into bed and Percy sat on the edge clearly uncomfortable. "I, um, don't really even know what happened. Piper was having a problem with something else," He said trying to not give away her secret. He was the only one she had told and even though they had broken up, he didn't see a reason why he should tell anyone. "And she was crying and then she said that she couldn't do this anymore. I'm in the dark as much as you guys. I love her. I can't lose her. Theres no way this is actually happening right?" He sobbed and looked up at Percy, who stared at the door.

"Jason, she still loves you too. It's easy to tell. Annabeth's in there now, trying to figure out what happened. I'll um I'll let you know if I figure anything out." Percy left and Jason pulled a letter out of his pocket. He read it again, shook his head and sobbed again.

Jason stayed in bed for another three hours. He finally gave into his hunger and checked the time. It was around one in the after noon so he walked out of his room and into the kitchen. People were talking and laughing but stopped when Jason entered the room.

"Hey Jason. How are you doing?" Percy asked carefully.

"Fine." He grumbled.

He noticed Piper at the counter eating a peanut butter sandwich. She didn't look up. He crossed the kitchen and made himself a sandwich in the silence. They made eye contact as Jason was walking back across the kitchen. Tears filled their eyes until she looked back at her sandwich and continued munching on it half-heartedly.

Jason and Piper both stayed in bed the rest of the day. It was Jasons turn to make dinner but Olivia offered to take over. He ate his bowl of Mac and cheese in his bed, watching FRIENDS, sobbing when the characters said I love you to each other.

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