Chapter Eight: PERCY

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"What's that?" Troy asked. They were changing in the boys locker room after swim practice, when his bracelet lit up, in pink. The morse code for I love you. Percy still felt the energy coursing through his veins from the pool and smiled. It was Friday and he planned to head to Annabeth's place tonight for the weekend. Between his awesome girlfriend and the water, Percy felt powerful.

"Oh, the bracelet? Annabeth has one too. We use it to send stuff to each other" He slipped on his shirt but felt a little uncomfortable talking about it with him. The bracelet was a private gift so they were never apart. Troy wouldn't understand.

"What'd she say?"

Percy hesitated. "Just 'I love you'" Percy fiddled with his bracelet until he sent a message back. I love you more.

Troy rolled his eyes. "Whats the deal with you two anyways?"

"What do you mean?"

"I dunno you just seem so connected. What are you gonna marry her?" Troy snickered. Percys eyes lit up at the thought. "Oh come on. I mean I love Annabeth, I think she's great. But, like, it's high school, Percy, high school. Are you really that serious?"

They grabbed their stuff and headed out of the locker room. "Yeah I mean, I love her... we've been through a lot together. I can't imagine not spending my life with her." Percy felt several pairs of eyes turn to look at him. But he stood his ground. He felt a little annoyed with Troy.

"Sure okay, at sixteen you've been through what? The death of your dog?"

You have no idea, Percy thought.

"I've barely even had a girlfriend."

"When you know, you know Troy. Trust me." Percy started the walk back to his moms apartment. "See ya man."

After Percy finished his homework, he slid down the banister into the kitchen with his bag packed for the weekend. He kissed his mom on the cheek and greeted his step-dad who was cooking something on the stove.

"Hey, Percy. How was your day?" Paul asked.

"Uh, good. Finished my homework. I'm gonna head over to Annabeth's in a sec."

His parents exchanged looks. "You be good okay? Have fun but remember you're still a guest."

"Yeah, yeah." He slung his bag over his shoulder.

"I'm serious, just respect everyone okay?" She raised her eyebrows and Percy blushed.

"I love you guys. See you Sunday night."

He headed out the door and pulled his hoodie over his head. The apartment was about 20 blocks away. He weaved in and out of the NYC pedestrians. He took a deep breath of Manhattan air and peered down the street as he was crossing. The sun was setting creating a pretty view of orange and pink. New York City traffic was heavy with people attempting to leave to their summer homes for the weekend. Percy stopped by a falafel truck a few blocks from his moms apartment and chatted with the owner, Tony, who Percy had known for years when two girls approached him. They were both blonde and wore sparkling cocktail dresses. They clutched Chanel hand bags.

"Hey, what's your name? I'm Kendra." The one on the right said.

"Uhh, Percy. Listen I really have to get going, nice meeting you."

"What are you like in a rush? Where do you go to school, NYU?" The one on the left said.

"No, I'm in high school."

The girls snickered and Kendra grabbed his arm. "Thats okay, I'm only like 23 so NBD. Could I get your number Mr. Senior-in-high-school?"

Percy shrugged her off his arm. "Uh actually I'm a Junior and no, I have a girlfriend. Sorry."

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