Chapter 20

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Delilah's outfit that Leslie gives her^

Delilah's POV:
Rolling around on the couch I was watching coco melon on Netflix while in little space. Today is Fourth of July which I'm super excited for because Leslie promised she'd pick me up and take me for the entire day. Though Leslie told me to dress casually because she bought a outfit for me already. Humming to the tune of the song, I hung off the side of the couch upside down watching momo and momma cuddle each other at the dining table on their laptop doing work. Hearing the door bell immediately I run up and answer the door, seeing Leslie there I grab her hand and drag her in to show her my cocomelon show. Leslie chuckled lightly and kissed my cheek before turning to momo, which I noticed momo was leaning against the table.
"I'm gonna take her for the day of course but what time would you like her back?"
"Don't bother, take her for the night too. I don't want her feeling like she's separated forever, take her for the night and return her tomorrow", hearing that I jumped up and down. Running over to momo I hugged her and ran upstairs to pull on my plain black vans. I was currently wearing shorts and a random black tank top, grabbing my water bottle off of my table I grabbed cocoas leash. Running downstairs with cocoa hot on my tail I see that Leslie is talking to momo,
"Cocoa is going too?!", momma said wondering if Leslie said I could
"Ah yeah, king misses cocoa, don't worry it's allowed", Leslie said and grabbed my hand as I seemed to be full of energy. Leslie said their goodbyes and I ran out to the car, opening up the back door i let cocoa in and then bounced over to the passenger door. Leslie smiles gingerly as I hooked up her phone to aux so I could choose a song. Putting on 3 musketeers, I started rapping to this song while in little space, Leslie stared in shock as I was rapping in little space and having a fun time. Rolling her eyes playfully she started up the car and started on our way. We were gonna go back to our apartment, it's gonna be my first time back in awhile which means we also have a long drive ahead of us but I'm excited to go back. Leslie stopped by McDonald's first bad got me a happy meal which I was very happy with. Eating my nuggets I continued to rap to my songs and have a good moment...

Leslie's POV:
Sighing I lowered the music as I saw her passed out from exhaustion which chicken nugget crumbs all over her. We were two hours into this drive so we are almost there, Delilah fell asleep soon after she ate. Cocoa is dead asleep too in the back, I'm hoping to ask her to move in with me tonight. I have a feeling she's gonna say yes since we've really spent a lot of time connecting with each other, I regret what I said that day. Delilah is a closed off person and I let my feelings get in the way, I trust her a lot and I know she does too. I'm hoping I never let a situation get like that again, she needs me and I need her. With her being gone from the apartment I haven't been sleeping, when I have her in my arms then I feel better. Some days I just driver over there to nap with her for a bit since it's the only sleep I'll get. King also seems lonely without hearing the tantrums or without hearing the endless giggles. It's so quiet it's traumatizing, I just want her back and I know we've spent a lot of time reconnecting again. Delilah had her white tiger clutched tightly in her little hands, I don't think she realized she had it in her hands the entire time. Delilah's pink bear is at the house so the white tiger is all she has at her home that reminds her of me. I don't think she realizes what she does most of the time but I love seeing her never put down her white tiger. It hurts my heart that I know she misses me that much but I'm hoping to Refix that...

Delilah's POV:
Feeling Leslie shift me, I opened my eyes to see the sight of our dorm building. I already saw cocoa running up to the building door, excited to finally be back home. Whining gently, I let Leslie pick me up into her arms and shut the door, listening to the jingle of her keys and her phone pressing against my ribs as she held us tightly to her. Hearing the elevator button ding, my eyes finally opened and I jumped down from Leslie, as soon as the door opened I ran over to Ryan's dorm door and started knocking wildly,
"Baby baby! They might still be sleeping"
"But it's noon"
"Yes but they both stay up late and sleep in during the summer love", hearing that it just made me knock louder until I saw a very tired Ryan open the door. Pushing past him I ran over to Kodas room and saw it empty so I ran to Ryan's room to see Koda curled up under the sheets. Jumping on him, I woke him up,
"Koda Koda Koda! I'm home"
"H-huh Delilah?! IM NAKED", my face blushed as I realized he was underneath the sheets but he was indeed not in clothes. Laughing, I ran out of the room and straight towards Leslie as she was talking to Ryan. Doing grabby hands towards her, she picked me up and set me on her hip. I played wit her keys while she finished up her conversation with Ryan. Leslie walked out and used her card to open up our dorm, seeing the inside I noticed how it looked spotless, almost like she hasn't been eating or nothing. Jumping down I ran up to my room and dropped my white tiger to pick up my bear stuffie, pressing the heart I listened to it beat softly. Running back downstairs, I saw king and cocoa wrestling each other on the living room floor.
"Angel, come inside my room. I have your outfit", running inside I saw the outfit. The bloomers and dress were so cute, plus the hair bows and shoes and the paci. Immediately I grabbed the paci and popped it in. Leslie picked me up and put on YouTube so I can watch Minecraft. Laying me down on the bed, Leslie changed me, did my hair, and put on my shoes. Once done Leslie laid down and set me on her lap as we both watched the YouTube video. Eventually time passed and she told me to grab the dogs leashes, clipping on the leashes I looked at Leslie and saw her grab one of our blankets and my little space bag. Walking outside of the apartment, she put my bag on my back and carried a blanket plus a heart shaped picnic basket. King and cocoa were both leash trained so they stayed close by my side and didn't pull which is a relief because otherwise I wouldn't been a mess. Both of these dogs are strong, Leslie led me to the park and over to where I saw the group on their own blankets. Excited, I bounced over to a empty spot and let Leslie out down the blanket. Grabbing my coloring books, I walked over to where Koda and Liam were coloring. Sophia was curled up balling on Max's lap, Liam gave me some crayons and I started coloring as Leslie talked to everyone. King and cocoa laid by Leslie but would come and check up on me every once in awhile. An hour and a half passed when Leslie called me over to eat something, so did every other cg. Ripping out a coloring page I walked over to Leslie and showed her the page I colored for her. Leslie grabbed it and pulled me into her lap giving me a tight hug and complimenting my coloring, giggling I saw she packed a gogo squeeze apple juice. Grabbing it I let Leslie open it and I sucked on it, Leslie gave me peach slices too and some sun chips. Happy, I got up and saw that there was a bounce house, Leslie saw her my eyes went and nodded. All of us even Sophia ran over to the bounce house and spent the rest of the evening playing...
~~time skip~~
It was already 8:30 and the sun was completely down, I was sitting in between Leslie's legs playing a game on my tablet. Leslie draped a soft black blanket over us, and took away the tablet. Grabbing my sippy cup she gave me some warm milk and told me the fireworks were gonna start soon. Ryan then got out sparklers and gave me a pink one, all of us littles got one. Happy I ran around a little bit with my pink sparkler when the fireworks started. All of us stopped and stared at the bright colors, our sparklers in hand and all of our big eyes staring up at the sky above. I heard one of our cgs take a picture, my sparkler went out and I ran over to Leslie. Pulling me next to her she cuddled me close and we continued to watch the fireworks go off. I really liked the one that looked like a willow tree, with all the yellow sparkles glittering down. Yawning, I heard Leslie whisper to me,
"Baby, would you like to move in with me again", hearing that I spun around and tackled her with a big smile adorning my face,
"Yes yes yes! I would love too", laughing she kissed me and the fireworks soon finished up. Cocoa and King were ready to go home after being here all day and so was I, Leslie held my hand as we walked back to the dorms. Ryan was carrying a passed out Koda, feeling warm inside I looked at the bright sky filled with stars and smiled at it...

Thank you guys so so much for the support and love about my cg leaving. It's been really hard on me but I'm doing it and I'm not giving up. I'm focusing on school and just trying to be okay and keep distracted on the reality. Much love to everyone♥️

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