Chapter 24

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December 20th
Delilah's POV:
"Do you think she'd like this?", I asked Sophia,Liam, and Koda. We were Christmas shopping at the mall for our significant others, which everyone else had found something except for me. I was so so picky about what to buy Leslie, I just couldn't find the right thing. Putting back the shirt, I decided to finally get my mind together. Walking into a jewelry shop, I browsed at the glass counters, I had already walked into three other jewelry stores so I knew nothing would gain my attention. Until I was about to leave and my eyes caught onto a certain ring, I had been wanting to buy her a ring. I was scared that she wouldn't want to get married so this ring could count as a promise ring or a wedding ring. We have been talking about getting married lately, Leslie seems to be bringing it up which is giving me some hope. Buying the ring, I felt really happy with it, Koda and everyone else agreed that it was a pretty ring. We walked into other stores soon after so we could finish the rest of the shopping. I just wanted to be in Leslie's arms, snow had already laced the ground and everything looked so icy and beautiful but cold. Liam got into the drivers seat while I hopped into the back with Sophia, grabbing the box from the bag, I opened it up and stared at the ring. This felt so right, I was so so ready for the next part of my journey, I just hope that Leslie is ready too. Liam dropped Koda and I off at our apartment building, I shoved Koda playfully into the elevator. Koda was busy telling me about a stupid joke when I noticed that our hallway was decorated very very festively. Koda and I stared in wonder as we saw how they hung up the snowflakes we made in class...
Entering our apartment, I called out for Leslie but was met with nothing, not even the dogs. In confusion I bent up from taking off my boots and walked around the house, living room, no, bedroom, no, bathroom, no. Entering the kitchen I looked around and saw a note on the counter,
"Go back to where we had the picnic, the location is written here. See you there my love", reading this I was a little shocked. It was a long drive but it wasn't super late, putting my boots back on I grabbed my car keys and headed out. My heart was jumping out of my chest, Leslie has been a little jumpy lately and everyone in the group was so smiley today. I hope this is what I think this is...
~time skip~
Driving up the hill I tapped my boot gently to the rhythm of some music I was playing. Getting more and more anxious of what was going to be up here, Leslie had also done my hair fancy and made me wear a very pretty dress today. Whatever was happening was something special for sure, parking the car I saw my girlfriend leaning against her car watching the view. Snow had laced the ground but also little fairy lights around the trees were here too, parking the car I saw the two dogs playing in the snow. Stepping out into the cool winter air, I smelt the faint scent from the pine trees, and the snow that had peppered everything. Leslie walked towards me with a smile on her face and grabbed my hand, leading me towards her car. Leslie has her hair up in a bun but I noticed she dressed rather nice today too, she had her little white button up shirt with the owls on it plus her favorite jeans.
"I don't want you to slip love", we leaned against her car, her arm wrapped gently around me. Resting her head against mine and humming a gentle lullaby, her smell and voice immediately calmed my nerves. The only thing was that I could sense Leslie's nervousness, her hands felt sweaty and her breathing was irregular. I know my Leslie does not get nervous so this must be something really bad or good.
"Leslie babe, you don't get nervous. I can sense your nerves from here"
"Sorry my love, but I hope you understand why with this", she said in a little chuckle. Releasing my waist she leaned me against the car and got in front of me, grabbing from her pocket was a ring box. I was so shocked I just stared at it, this was the happiest moment for me,
"Do you Delilah my little princess, want to be next to me for forever as my wife and my soulmate. I would bend down but there's snow everywhere, I Just know you don't want me to ruin these pants", she said rambling as she opened the box. In there was a ring that just matched so perfectly, tears sprouted at my eyes before nodding yes profusely,

 In there was a ring that just matched so perfectly, tears sprouted at my eyes before nodding yes profusely,

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Leslie scooped me up into her arms and placed the ring on my finger. This felt so so right, I knew she was going to be my forever from here on out no matter what. Setting me on the hood of the car, she hopped up next to me, picking me up and setting me on her lap. The dogs came up and jumped up on the car, cocoa laying on top of king behind us while he just laid there. We all looked like a big happy family sitting on the hood of the car watching the sunset.
"Babe I got you a ring earlier too"
"You did?"
"Yes it's beautiful, you'll love it" , I whispered, leaning more into her. The wedding will be beautiful...

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