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Ahn's POV:

As I woke up after my little nap, I looked over towards Lee and had to smile at the sight. Meanwhile, while she was sleeping deeply, Jojo had laid on top of her like a blanket and was watching her intently. It's just too cute to see him like that. No wonder why everyone says that this dog, is special. Because he behaves so not at all like you would expect an American Staffordshire Terrier to behave. Not aggressive at all. But totally gentle and friendly. He would love to greet everyone from head to toe with wet kisses. But he is not allowed to.
I always wonder how Lee can sleep like that. Isn't it uncomfortable to have a 60-pound dog on your stomach? Apparently not. Or is it? After a few minutes, she too woke up from her slumber with a smile. It's nice to see a smile as otherwise the so depressed facial expression. I would like to see something like that more often. Like at the concert a few days ago or now. Grinning, I looked at my cell phone. Shortly after, a notification from Twitter popped up. Apparently, someone had mentioned me in a tweet. I couldn't resist the curiosity and clicked on it. What I saw next startled me.Jesus. This is not good. There are comments everywhere including hateful ones. Why? Lee hasn't done anything to anyone! Yet she's getting attacked by some. I have to stop her from finding out about it. Otherwise, her panic attacks and depression would worsen. Unfortunately, it's not sure how much hate she can take.

But are fortunately most just want to know who she is. To be honest, I would have loved for her to get the appreciation. But who doesn't want it, already has it. Sometimes I just don't understand her. It could be because she is an introvert and I am the complete opposite.
My thoughts were interrupted when the captain's announcement informed us that we would be landing in Amsterdam in about an hour. Yay, glancing over to the next seat, I couldn't help but laugh. Jojo apparently doesn't seem to want to get off Lee, who tries to get him to do so with all her might and gives up in frustration after a few minutes. Sorry, buddy. But I'm afraid you have to get off your favorite spot. But then Jojo moved out of the way so that Lee could sit up.

As soon as the seat belt lights come on. The... That's going to be a bumpy landing today. That means stowing everything safely so that nothing flies around, and then holding on tightly. Upon which we already experience the first turbulence. Jojo whimpered insecurely, as the whole thing was making him uncomfortable. But after a few calming words from her, he relaxed again and looked out of the window quite excitedly. Unfortunately, my seat is in the middle. So I couldn't really see anything well out of the window. Oh well. Now I have to rely on my gut feeling to estimate when we land. Oh God, this is going to be fun. I'm most afraid of the landing. But I'm more afraid of what awaits us in the arrivals hall. Are there already obsessed fans with knives already waiting for us? Hopefully not.

Lee's POV:

Even though we were only gone for a few days, it always feels good to come home. But this time, there is a bitter edge to it. No one can really say what will happen later. No matter what comes, just close your eyes and get through it. my Gramps would say now. At the time of landing, according to the pilots, there are strong gusts of wind. Oh well. It seems that Jojo also feels the upcoming turbulence because from one moment to the next he became restless and started to cry. Seeing him like this hurts my heart. But I know the quickest way to calm him down.
L: "Hey, buddy. You're all right. Just go back to sleep. It'll be over in a minute."
That helped in combination with a loving petting session. He then relaxed and made himself comfortable, looking out the window. For takeoff and landing, pets are not allowed on the Otterman. They must be placed either in the aisle or under the front seat. Doesn't work out too well with the seats. Fortunately, the cabin crew made an exception. Then the approach to Amsterdam began. Finally. Slowly my ass hurts like hell from sitting for so long. But the gusts of wind are really worrying me. It will certainly not be a smooth landing, as it is written in the training instructions.

From the window, I could see us slowly nearing the ground again. Then, with a jerk, the pilot put the passenger aircraft back on the Ground. Oh, dear. Smooth is something else. But at least we arrived safely and that is the most important thing. A few minutes after landing, we reached the parking position directly at the terminal. The crew then said goodbye and the first passengers were allowed to exit. Later, Ahn and I were also allowed to deboard together with Jojo. You can tell that we all have had a long flight. The legs are a bit stiff. If you didn't know better, you would think Jojo was stoned, the way he wobbles. Well, yeah. We don't feel any different. We are also walking a bit stiff-legged and with stiff knees towards the passport control. Why must the ways between the gate and luggage carousels always be so long? We have already noticed this at other airports.

In no time we were passed through and officially allowed to enter the EU. Also with my four-legged companion, there were no problems. Everything went like clockwork. Now we just have to get our suitcases. It can only be a matter of hours until they arrive. Foolishly, we landed exactly during the rush hour, when a lot of planes are being serviced. This means a lot of luggage at the same time. Among them also many from non-EU countries, which must be examined first by the customs.

But then. Movement at the baggage carousels. Too many for my taste, since we haven't figured out yet where our baggage will arrive. Baggage carousel 9! There we go. The next question is. Which one is it out of the imaginary hundred? After strolling around among the carousels for a while, we were able to spot our luggage among the others on one. Luckily, Ahn took her bright yellow suitcase with her. So it stands out from the other suitcases. Little by little, more and more pieces of luggage came onto the belt. So slowly but gradually everyone had their bags back.
With the luggage cart packed full, we moved towards the exit. Man, Ahn! Why do you always have to take so so much luggage? Thank goodness my dad is picking us up from the airport. Otherwise, it would have been an absolute pain to carry all that stuff to the train station. I'm really curious to see what's waiting for me in the arrivals hall. You have to expect the worst. We'll find out after the last few meters that separate us from the arrivals hall.

Nervous with weak knees I turned into the way to the hall. But then. Nothing. Everyone was minding their own business. Be it to look for arriving friends or relatives or to find the right check-in counter.
??: "Lee! Ahn! Jojo! Over here!"
Huh! Dad? I followed the voice with my eyes and then I discovered him in the crowd. Beaming with joy, I ran into his arms. In his arms, I feel safe. It gives me the feeling that nothing can happen to me. Safe, loved, at home. My stronghold in the storm. Jojo is also happy to see his favorite daddy again. Excitedly he wags his tail and constantly tries to break our hug to get some affection from daddy too. After a few minutes, we detached from each other. And the annoying one got his eagerly awaited affection. In the meantime, Ahn also joined us and said a quick hello.

We then left the airport and drove to my parents' house. But before that, we dropped Ahn off at her parents' house, because we two have decided to spend a couple of days with our families. After these days, the rest will definitely be good for us.

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