02: Friends

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"How was it?"
"Definitely not good, mom. You know I'm such a wallflower in parties. Though the whiskey was actually good."

"Okay, now go to uni, it's already time. Byeeeeeee!"
"Bye mom. Have a good day."


"Oh, we shall be changing seats today as the new term begins. Engage with new people and make friends!", the professor, Miss Choi, spoke up. She was a petite round lady, about 5'0, and wore red rimmed round glasses.

There were glares shooting towards her.


"Miss Y/s/n (your surname), will you please go sit with Mr Jeon who is seated on the fifth bench in the middle row?", Miss Choi asked.

"Yeah, s-sure, ma'am", you reply and make your way towards your assigned seat.

Why do I have to be so nervous? Ugh anxiety, you dumbfuck.

You make your way towards him, your dark wavy hair sitting at your shoulder dancing and bouncing in the way.

"Hey my name is Jeon Jungkook. You're new here, right?", the guy beside you, your benchmate, spoke up.

"Hey! Y/n here. Yes", you shook his hand.

He was clad in a grey oversized shirt, black jeans and chunky black boots.
Cool fashion, I must say.

"And that is my bro, Kim Taehyung", he gestured to your left. Directly at the bench to your side, there was another boy.

"Y/n here."
You extended your hand to him. It was a little awkward, at least for you. His eyes never left yours. You started looking to your sides, You were never good at eye contact.

"Kim Taehyung", he said. His voice was deep like the ocean, a little husky and a mix of silk in it.

He took your hand and let it go after a final bow.


Lunch time, yes!

You decide to go to the rooftop as you had no friends.

You're walking up the stairs and you can hear faint voices.

Is somebody up there already?

"I swear I hate Jin so much. I washed them by hand the whole night. I almost fell asleep in class today", a high pitched yet masculine voice could be heard.

You slowly entered through the door.

"Intruder alert"

You just looked blankly at the over-extra boys.

There were Jungkook, Taehyung and...

Jimin from your class.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you all were already here. I'll go", you nervously grinned and turned back.

"It's fine Y/n. You can stay here if you want. Just don't tell anybody about it", Jimin stated from behind.
Oh he remembers my name?

"Yeah, we're kinda popular here. I mean I don't want all those girls running around us all the time. I hope you understand", Jungkook stated.

"Yeah sure", you reply.

You all settle down at a place.

"Oh, I'm Jimin by the way", the boy introduced himself. He had a black half sleeve button up shirt and black trousers.

"Y/n, as you know already"


"I'm doing a major in Business management and psychology and and a minor in literature", you spoke.

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