10: Tea

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"Oi! Are you making a love potion?", Jungkook inquires.
"No-what? They don't even exist. Don't let the movies fool you, Kookie", Taehyung rejects.

"Then?", Jungkook asks, hands at his waist. He won't go without getting an answer.

Taehyung sighs,"Fine, it is kind of a sleep inducing one, it makes you kinda vulnerable so you can look through the mind of the person, breaks your walls"
The other man just goes "ooooooooooh"

"So why are you doing this? To read Y/N's mind? To see if she has feelings towards you?"
The black wavy haired man stays silent.
"Of course!", Jungkook teases,"but you can do it using sleep tablets right?"
"Yes, I can, but they will affect the person's brain, have medical effects, whereas this potion, will not affect anybody's physical health"
"Aww you care so much for her", Jungkook blushes, scrunching his nose.
"Shush. Just shush"


"Hey wizards!", you greet them, giving all three a hug.
Then you see the four tycoons sitting on the couch.
You go bow to them.

"Hello", you greet.
"Hey Y/N, we were just sitting over a cup of tea, you know, discussions about company stuff", Namjoon shrugs.

You look at the papers, some typed into, some scrawled over, some in files...

"Why... don't you join them? I'll get you a steaming cup as well", Taehyung says, and scurries over to the kitchen with Jungkook.
"Sure, I even caught a slight cold", you say.

Jimin sits with you.

"So Y/N, you're studying business, aren't you?", Jin questions, keeping his teacup on the table, looking up at you.
You coyly nod,"I'm thinking of getting into something like Sales Management but as I'm doing a major, I aim for the tier-1 C-level officer position. There's not a very high chance I'd be put in the C level at first in itself, but I eventually wish to become one"
"That's nice, judging by one's level of dedication and work ethic, one could get oneself into the tier-1 list at first attempt", Yoongi advises.

"And if you apply at Bangtan and we like your work, we can replace Hoseok. We don't need him!", Jin says, whisper-yelling the last sentence.
"Hey! I heard you ! You're so mean, I've worked so hard to make this company. Don't forget I am the largest shareholder!", Hoseok, who asked you to call him Hobi from now on, whined. He pointed his teaspoon as he said 'shareholder' at Jin, as if threatening him.

This beautiful bro-ship made you really happy.

"Faster Jungkook, faster! Yes!"

"Do it fast fast! Mix well Jungoo, I'll buy you banana milk for the whole month, as much as you want", Taehyung encouraged Jungkook, as he mixed the potion in tea.

"Yeah, I'm doing it!"


You and Jimin took your tea cups, while the others had a refill.

"Okay, we should get upstairs and work on our project", you beam, picking your backpack up.

As you reached Taehyung's room, you saw Jimin and Jungkook enter too.


"Yeah, Yugyeom is helping his grandma today", Jungkook shrugs.
"And Sejin said we make individual reports and compare them, so I'll be staying home. I agreed right away, cuz I have no wish to be near that egghead bastard who smells like books all the time", Jimin groans.
"Sejin is a good guy, why'd you say that?", you crinkle your eyebrows.
"Good guys suck, Y/N"

After scribbling rough ideas over a paper, you feel kinda dizzy.
You rest your head against the wall.

It's probably my cold kicking in.

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