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"Mommy where's grandpa cake?" 4 year old Xiyu Minatozaki-Chou, called his mother, Sana as he burst into the master's bedroom.

"In the kitchen," Sana replied. "I'll get it in a minute".

"Okay." Xiyu answered as he turned around and ran back to his own room.

Sana meanwhile finished getting ready to go to the Chou's for the afternoon. It was Mr. Chou's birthday and she was going around their house for the afternoon with Xiyu and Tzuyu. Luckily for Sana, Tzuyu had volunteered to get Xiyu ready for the afternoon, meaning she hadn't had to deal with the hassle of trying to get her lively son ready to go out this afternoon.

Leaving the bedroom and heading downstairs, Sana found her wife and son all dressed and ready to leave. Tzuyu had her dad's present in her hands, and Xiyu was seating eagerly in front of the door with his puppy.

"Don't forget the cake," Xiyu told his mother sternly.

"I won't" Sana reassured her son. "You two go wait in the car, I'll just grab the cake and I'll be right with you."

"Come on bigboy, let's go" Tzuyu said, herding her son out of the door with his puppy.

Sana watched the love of her life and son disappear, before heading into the kitchen to retrieve the chocolate cake she and Xiyu had baked the previous day. With the chocolate cake in hand, she followed her wife and son into the car.

When they arrived at Tzuyu's childhood home,she found her family outside in the back garden. Also with her parents-in-law was Tzuyu's bestfriend, Hansol. Hansol was practically part of the family and Sana wasn't the slightest bit surprised to find him at Mr. Chou's birthday celebration.

"Is that a cake?" Yi Cheng asked, his eyes lighting up the box his daughter-in-law carrying.

"It is" Sana replied with a smile.

"I made it" Xiyu declared proudly.

"Then it'll be the best cake ever" Mr. Chou said, ruffling his grandson's hair.

"We'll have a piece with our tea" Mrs. Chou said before turning to her daughter. "And why aren't you carrying the cake?You should look after Sana".

"Honestly, I'm fine" Sana insisted as Tzuyu obediently took the cake box from her hands, which caused Hansol to laugh at how his bestfriend was well and truly whipped by her mother and wife.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Chou checked, scrustinising her daughter-in-law. Sana was nearly seven months pregnant, and she couldn't help but be a bit protective of the girl she thought of as a daughter. "You look a bit tired."

"I've just had a hell of a week" Sana replied with a sigh as she settled down in one of the garden chairs next to her wife.

"I thought you'd started your maternity leave this week." Yi Cheng remarked.

"I did, and that was the problem" Sana said. "Well, that and the fact Xiyu finished preschool for the summer."

"Isn't it a good thing?" Mrs. Chou asked. "I thought you'd timed going on maternity leave to be with Xiyu's summer break."

"I had," Sana said. "But now I think I'm regretting that move. He's been a devil all week."

"Xiyu?" Yi Cheng questioned with an amused smirk. Xiyu had headed off to play with his puppy, and the pair were running happily around the back garden. "He's an angel".

"He is a well behaved child." Mrs. Chou agreed.

"Of course he is, he is my son" Tzuyu said with a smirk.

"He doesn't get his good behaviour from you" Tzuyu's mom snorted. "You were a right handful as a child. I assume his good behaviour comes from Sana."

"Sana is no angel" Tzuyu laughed, earning herself an elbow in the ribs from her unimpressed wife.

"I don't think now's the time to be sharing your bedroom secrets, Tzu" Hansol laughed.

"I just meant that Sana has a wicked side, and not just in the bedroom" Tzuyu said. "Although I do protest to being called a handful, I was good child".

"I have to agree there," Yi Cheng conceded. "Tzuyu was an impeccably behaved child."

"You didn't have to cope with her all day, everyday." Mrs. Chou shot back at her husband. "By time you came in from work she'd tired herself out and was quite happy to be an angel for her dad."

"Now there's a familiar story" Sana chuckled. "Xiyu is exactly the same. He's been a terror all week, but the second Tzuyu comes home, he's perfectly fine."

"I'm sure it's not that bad," Tzuyu said to her wife. "Maybe he's felt like more of a handful because of your pregnancy".

"How about I tell you about my week, then you can judge for yourself" Sana replied.

"Come on then" Tzuyu urged. "Tell us about your week, and I bet your hormones are just making things seem worse than they are".

Sana glared at Tzuyu for implying her hormones were affecting her judgement. However, she didn't challenge her on the subject. Instead she poured herself a glass of cold lemonade and began to tell her wife, Hansol and her parents-in-law about from hell she'a just endured with her devil of a son.


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