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After putting her dragon egg between two pillows — for safety — and learning the childrens names, Robin joined Susan and Lucy on a walk to the river

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After putting her dragon egg between two pillows — for safety — and learning the childrens names, Robin joined Susan and Lucy on a walk to the river. Before leaving, Robin looked up at a hill where she saw Aslan and Peter talking. Aslan caught her eye and sent her a nod before resuming his conversation with Peter.

Robin trailed ahead of Susan and Lucy, not wanting to disturb their conversation. While being lost in her thought, Robin didn't see Susan and Lucy coming beside her and looking at her expectantly.

"Robin!" Susan snapped her fingers in front of Robin's face, causing her to blink rapidly.

"Sorry, what?" Robin said looking at Susan.

"We were talking about our mom and we asked you how your mom was?" Susan trailed off nervously. She would never admit it, but Susan was a little intimidated by Robin. Besides the fact that Robin was breathtakingly beautiful and was older then Susan by two years, she knew how to fight and defend herself.

"My mom was a bitch." Robin said with a bright smile, trying to seem unaffected.

Susan started apologizing but Robin just waved her hand like it was nothing, all the while Lucy watched them.

After arriving at the river, Robin sat near a tree as Susan and Lucy splashed eachother. After shouts of happines, Susan went to get a towel, only for a wolf to be behind it.

Susan screames loudly, gaining Robin's and Lucy's attention. Robin quickly stands up and grabs Lucy and Susan's arms as the three girls scramble backwards. Robin searches for a weapon only to curse when she realizes she left her knives in her tent.

Her dark eyes dart to Susan's waist where her horn is held. Quickly, Robin snatches the horn and blows it, causing the other two girls to cover their ears while the wolves growl.

After Robin blows the horn, she motions for the girls to climb a tree while the wolves are still advancing on them. Lucy climbs first, with a little help from Susan. Susan is next and she climbes easily. Next it Robin and as she climbs, a wolf bites down on her dress causing her to hit it hard in the head. The wolf wines as he backs away.

As the wolves try to get to the three girls, Peter, Aslan and other centaurs arrive at the scene. Aslan pins a wolf down while talking to a group of centaurs. "Stay back. This is Peter's battle."

The three girls and Aslan watch as Peter tightens his grip on his sword as a wolf jumps on him. Susan and Lucy scream in horror from next to Robin, thinking Peter is dead.

Robin quickly jumps down from the tree and pushes the wolf off of Peter, seeing him alive and his sword sticking from the wolf's stomach.

Peter extracts his sword from the wolf as Susan and Lucy both jump from the tree and stand next to Robin.

Aslan lets go of the wolf he was standing on and watches as he runs off before instructing the centaurs next to him. "Follow him. He'll lead you to Edmund." he nods his head towards the wolf as the centaurs run off. Aslan turns to Peter with gentle but firm eyes. "Peter, clean your sword."

Peter does as told and looks at Aslan with expectant eyes. Aslan motions for Peter to get on one knee and pats both his shoulders when he does. "Rise, Sir Peter Wolfsbane, Knight of Narnia."

Peter looks at Aslan in awe as Lucy and Susan shout in delight and embrace Peter. Robin pats Peter on the shoulder awkwardly and follows after Aslan who was headed back to camp.

After coming up beside Aslan, Robin decides to question. "You think they're ready?" she asks as she looks at Aslan.

Aslan takes a deep breath. "I think with the proper training-" he sends Robin a pointed look, "-they'll be ready in no time. We just have to get Edmund."

Robin sighs. "You know after we get Edmund, she's going to most probably come here." she says as she waves at a couple of narnians who passed them.

Aslan stops in front of his tent along with Robin and sighs. "That I know, my child."

Robin's eyes widen. "What if she wants something? Do you know what she'd want from us?" she asks.

Aslan's expression turns almost pained as he nods his head. "I have an idea." he says before entering his tent.

While still thinking of tomorrow's outcome, Robin enters her tent and sits down on her bed, careful not to sit on the dragon egg. She rubs her eyes tiredly and runs a hair through her raven hair.

"Fuck." she curses silently as tears gather in her eyes.

Robin gently picks up her dragon egg while examining it a little further. It has black scales that fade into a beautiful ruby red. Robin traces the patterns of the egg while wondering when the egg will hatch and how her dragon will look. After inspecting the egg, Robin puts it in a basket at the end of her bed and puts a blanket over it.

With tired eyes, Robin sets her pillows and lays down on her bed, falling in deep slumber almost instantly.

Robin opens her eyes only to find herself in a palace. She glances around, realizing she's in a throne room. Guests are gathered all around as they chat and drink.

Robin looks down at herself and her eyes widen. She's wearing a beautiful white dress with sleaves that go to her elbows. Along with the dress she has a beautiful necklace with a red ruby in the middle. It looks like...a wedding dress.

A person steps in front of her. Robin's eyes trail from his black shoes to his beautiful suit and then finally his face. It feels like her breath gets caught in her throat as she peers at the man in front of her. He was beautiful with brown locks that go to his shoulders and gentle brown eyes. A charming smile adores his face as he extends a hand towards Robin.

"May I have this dance, my Queen?" he asks with a raised eyebrow, his smile turning cheeky.

"Well of course, my King" Robin says, only it isn't her who says it. It's her dream self. Robin grabs the man's hand as he leads her to the center of the room. Several people stop what they're doing in order to watch the couple.

The man puts a hand on Robin's waist as the other holds one of her hands. Robin puts on of her hands on his shoulder as she squeezes his other hand. Music begins playing and the two sway gracefully to it. The smile on the man's face seems to get only bigger as he looks at Robin.

"I love you so much, Ro. I'll always love you. Always." he says with so much love and adoration that Robin feels her heart melt.

"And I love you, Cas. Always and forever." Robin says as the song ends and the man pulls Robin towards him and the two share a kiss.

Robin wakes up with a start, sweat dripping down her forehead as her hands forcefully grip the sheets. She takes gulps of air as she thinks about her dream and how real it felt.

 She takes gulps of air as she thinks about her dream and how real it felt

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