6/Kissed The Ace

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Ushijima: Are you suggesting that we're dating?

You: I don't know. I'm getting mixed signals here and I don't know what we are.

Ushijima stayed silent as I continued to play with his hair. He sat up and towered over me. He had me pinned underneath him. He stared dead into my eyes with a serious look. It felt like my words were caught in my throat.

Ushijima: What do you want us to be.

You: I- I don't k-know.

Ushijima kissed me on the cheek. I felt my face flare up. I wrapped my arms around his neck out of instinct. His face was just as red as mine.

We both leaned towards each other and kissed each other. Our kiss was interrupted by squealing in my doorway. The guys were standing there, recording us.

Both our faces went red, and Ushijima seemed pissed.

Tendo: You'll thank us later~

The guys ran out of the dorm. Ushijima got up to chase them but I grabbed his hand. He turned around and looked at me. He had that intimidating look on his face, but I gave him a soft look. I pulled him closer and hugged him.

You: You can kill them tomorrow at practice, but I want you to stay here.

Ushijima climbed onto my bed and pulled me on top of him. I laid on his chest while he stroked my hair. I could feel his heart beat while I laid on his chest.

You: So.. does this mean..

Ushijima: I want you to be my girlfriend..

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

You: I'll gladly be your girlfriend.

His heart started to beat faster and his grip was tighter. I started to fall asleep on his chest when administration came by to make sure everyone was in their rooms.

Ushijima said goodnight to me and left. I laid on my bed smiling from ear to ear. My phone started to blow up with texts. The group chat was going crazy.

🏐Volleyball Crack🏐

Eita: Who TF changed the name

Satori: Mwah~

Soekawa: Not surprised.

Satori: Sent 4 images

I opened the images to see the pictures of me playing with Ushijima's hair and then him over me, and then us kissing. My face was bright red but I couldn't stop blushing.

Reon: I assume it's official.

[Y/n]: Yeah.

Satori: I want to hear it from Ushiwaka as well~

Wakatoshi: Yes we're dating.

Hayato: Dang.

Satori: You'll find a girl Hayato.

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