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Slight warning - semi mature themed, not that bad though.

I'll let you know when.

A Year Later - 20 minutes Before Your Wedding

Reon: Do you remember your vowes?

Ushiwaka: Yes.

Tendo: Reon, you're freaking out more than he is.

Jin: Are we not going to comment how Eita has been quiet and been pacing for like an hour.

Shirabu: He said that he's freaking out about his best friends getting married.

Goshiki: Isn't he the ring kid?

Shirabu: And he's freaking out. He's worried about tripping and messing up the rings.

A knock could be heard on the door. My mother came in and talked to me for a few minutes. She told me that it was time for us to head out there and get ready. I took a deep breath and nodded. Everyone slapped me on the back and told me that I'd be okay.

Eita: Knowing you, you'll treat her just right. Just make sure you make her dreams come true as well okay?

I nodded. Eita smiled at me as he head out with everyone else.

I don't know how weddings work, forgive me on my lack of brain cells.
~ Author Chan ~

As we all walked out there and checked out the venue, the guests started to come in. It was any family and the guys from other schools. They had calming wedding music playing and the guests were quietly talking.

After a little while longer, it was time for
[y/n] to come out. Akaria, and Kiyoko were where brides maids and Hitoka-chan was our flower girl. I took a deep breath as the doors opened to the room.

Hitoka-chan spread around cherry blossoms before [y/n] entered the room. She was stunning. You could see everyone turn around and admire her beauty. Her beautiful dress flowed with her as she walked down the aisle. Her [e/c] eyes were glowing as she walked down the aisle. Her [h/c] was beautiful and the veil trailed down her hair to her back.

She was stunning. She carried a bouquet of cherry blossoms and sakura's. She had light make up on that made her face shine beautiful in the lighting. She looked like a goddess as she walked down the aisle.

She stood in front of me and smiled. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. She was stunning and I felt enchanted by her beauty.

The ceremony started and we started our vowes. I went first and every word I spoke her face would become brighter. She was moved by my words and I was happy about that.

She started her vowes after mine and they were 10x better. Her voice was so soft and calming and clear. I understood every word she said and all of them had deep meanings to them.

After she finished speaking, the ceremony continued. You could a slight blush on her face and it was adorable.

After a bit, Eita gave the rings to us. We slid the rings onto each other's fingers and held hands as we looked into each other's eyes.

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