14/Our Future

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I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Ushiwaka to come back. For some reason, I wasn't freaking out like I usually would. I was actually happy about what just happened.

Ushiwaka came back in and kissed my forehead.

Ushiwaka: I'm sorry about what happened-

I kissed him softly. I ran my hands down his shoulders to his hands. I let go and smiled at him.

You: I liked it.. so don't apologise..

He smiled at me. He pulled me into his arms and he hugged me. He kissed the top of my head as he cradled me in his arms.

Ushiwaka: Do you need ice for your neck?

You: No I'm fine.. can I have cuddles~

Ushiwaka: Of course.

I kissed him softly before we laid down on the bed. I laid on top of him and cradled my head into his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head.

After a bit, I fell asleep in the giants arms.

Back in the dorms

Hayato: What do you think their doing?

Reon: They are probably asleep.

Tendo: Maybe they are having fun~

Eita: Tendo, shut up.

Soekawa: Calm down Eita. They are allowed to have alone time.

Eita: I know, but he could be doing anything to her and that's what I fear.

Reon: What's the worst thing that could happen?

Eita: She ends up having a kid before we graduate.

Tendo: Now now Semi, they are both very responsible. That wouldn't happen.

Soekawa: Plus [y/n] isn't into that stuff so she'd turn it down.

Eita: I don't know. I just have a bad feeling.

Hayato: Why don't you just call her.

Eita grabbed his phone and called you. You groggily sat up and answered your phone. Ushiwaka sat up and put an arm around your waist while resting his head on your shoulder.

You: Hello-

Eita: Hey are you okay?

You: Yeah I was frickin asleep.

Eita: Oh sorry.

You: Its fine. I assume you went into mother mode.

Eita: Yes..

You: I'm fine Eita. I'd call you if I needed anything.

Eita: Alright. Have a goodnight.

You: You too.

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