25/Farewell My Giant...

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This is unfortunately the end of the book.

I grew really attached to writing this book, not gonna lie here.

I hope you all enjoyed the story. I'm very sad that it's over but now I can start writing more stories for you guys.

Thank you so much for the support on the book, and my other stories. It really means a lot. I literally cry everytime we hit a milestone.

I know I'm a wimp ಥ‿ಥ

But seriously thank you guys for reading Ushijima's story. I really hope you guys enjoyed it.

I'm legit sad that it's over. This is sad.

I love you guys. If you want, I have other stories that are completed like Sugawara's and Ukai's. I'm working on Kuroo's right now!

Please tell me what characters you'd like to see in future books. I'll gladly write about them.

Well. Thanks for reading the book. I hope you guys enjoyed the ending. Like Ukai's, I wanted you guys to have your own life and kids with Ushijima in your own minds.

I'm dragging this on because I'm sad that it's over.

Thank you. For everything.

I love you guys.

~Author Chan~

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