10/Crystal Tears

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Time Skip about 2 weeks and it's the week before Christmas.

Ushijima and I walked to the hospital to check up on my sister and my mother. When we arrived the doctor brought me into another room and immediately told me to sit down.

Doctor: Your sister has passed...we tried to bring her out of the coma but she didn't make it.. as for your mother.. she hasn't woken up yet and she's not doing so well either...

Ushijima immediately comforted me before I could even start to cry. I kept my eyes on the floor and I was deep in thought about what to do with my mother.

You: Is my mother in any pain?

Doctor: Currently, we have given her all the medication we can to make sure she isn't in pain. That being said, we don't know how much pain she is currently still in.

I was deep in thought but I had one thing in my mind. Her. What would her life be like if she was still alive... She'd be paralyzed in a wheelchair, and I'd have to sacrifice my education to care for her. She'd blame herself for me having to drop out to school. She'd struggle with pain, and she hates relying on others.

Everything about my mother ran through my head..so I made the decision to let her go..

It broke my heart..but she'd be happier with Mizuki and my father...

You: ...let her pass away...please make it as painless as possible...

The doctor nodded and left the room. We followed him into my mother's room. I held her hand as I looked at her. I kissed her forehead and we left the room so they could put her to sleep...

After a few minutes, the doctor came back out and gave me his condolences. I thanked him for his work and we left the hospital.

The walk home was quiet. Ushijima doesn't talk much anyways, but me being completely silent seemed to bother him. I saw him pull out his phone and he started to text. I grabbed his hand and looked back down at the side walk in my own thoughts.

Volleyball Guys

Wakatoshi: Both her mother and sister passed away. She's extremely silent and won't even look at me.

Eita: She's probably in her thoughts right now. Give her time to understand what all just happened.

Reon: How do we comfort her?

Jin (Soekawa): When they get back, let's just leave them alone in her dorm room for a bit.

Eita: He's right. Don't crowd her when they get back. She will want to be alone when they get back. Ushiwaka needs to stay and comfort her though.

Wakatoshi: I will. I'll keep you all updated.

Ushijima put his phone away and he held me close to him. He would glance over at me once in a while, but I kept a straight face. I was going to break down when I'm alone. That's what I like to do..

Ushijima: What's on your mind?

I stayed quiet. If I were to talk, I would've cried. I did Eita and I's codes. 4 chest pokes means "don't make me talk". He pulled out his phone and asked what that meant and Eita responded. 6 shoulder taps meant "I'm not okay. Please help." Eita kept translating for Ushijima. After a bit, Ushijima seemed to understand and we hurried home.

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