13/Date Night

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Skip To Sunday

I woke up and got ready like usual. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on some comfy clothes and started to do some homework at my desk.

I turned on some music while I was doing my homework. The morning sun was shining right into my room and the birds in the tree outside matched my music perfectly.

My bedroom door swung open and all the guys flooded into my room Tendo and Eita flopped onto my bed and were amazed with my soft blankets.

You: What's up?

Eita: Let's go hang out.

You: But I'm doing homework.

Tendo: You're always doing homework.

You: And this is why I'm passing and you aren't.

The guys snickered at my comment. I was tutoring Tendo and Eita. Tendo's grades aren't the best... At least Eita listens to me when I try to tutor them.

Reon: Anyways, you want to come hang out with us?

You: No, because you guys have practice in an hour.

Tendo: We have practice today?

You: You're supposed to. The schedule says we have practice almost every day this week.

Hayato: If we have practice, why are you in lounge clothes?

You: Cause I don't take 4 hours to get ready.

Eita: Someone's sassy today.

You: And?

Soekawa: Eita, I'd shut up before she throws you out the window.

Eita: Knowing that she could actually do that is what scares me. Why are you sassy today?

You: Cause I just am?

Tendo: *mumbles* or she's on her period...

You: Tendo you have a 5 second head start before I kill you.

As I started to count down, the door swung open and Tendo sprinted out. After I finished I chased Tendo around the school. I ended up tackling him by the gym. I sat on his back and pulled his head back by his hair.

You: Say sorry.

Tendo: Sorry mom~

I smacked the back of his head and got off of him. I helped him off the ground and everything was fine. The guys came running out looking tired.

You: Why are you guys tired?

Hayato: We just ran around the entire campus looking for you both making sure you didn't kill each other.

You: I wouldn't kill Tendo, I'd just shave his head.

Tendo: It'd look better than yours~

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