Chapter 9- The Guys

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*Two months later*

Capricorn' POV-

"So Who are you going to ask to prom" I asked Sag

"I don't know, You?"


We walked in awkward silence down the hallway. Girls made googly eyes at us while boys glared daggers. I shrugged it off, Just a normal day-to-day thing. 

*Flashback- 7th grade*

I watch the cheer team do their stunts. We were winning the football game by two touchdowns. I glanced back at the cheer squad just to see Aquarius fall down. I ran over to them and watch as the ambulances were called. Her mother was pacing back and forth while some girls were crying. 

*End of Flashback*

Later that day, Aqua had to stay back in the hospital and Libra was by her side the entire time.

Secrets, so many secrets.

Sagittarius's POV- 

I lied when I said didn't know who I was going to ask to go to Prom. Hear, I'll tell you: She is the kindest girl on the planet. If that didn't give it away then I don't know what did. 

"Hey, Sagi" I cringe at the nickname and glared at the random girl. I think her name is elizabeth or something like that. Don't know, Don't care.

"What do you want" I continued to glare at her.

"I think you know exactly what I want" She responded, Walking towards me in a flirtatious way

"1) Ew no, 2) I don't even know you" She sighed in defeated and made her way to class. I shivered at the thought of that girl and gagged. Aqua and I don't take a liking into romance that much. It runs in the family.


Holy Shi- I mean Shoot, I'm late. 

Scorpio's POV-


"STOP THAT RACKET" My little Sister screamed from downstairs. 

"Oh but sissy you don't like my singing" 

I heard her stomp up the stairs and fling my door open. She had the scariest look on her face.

"No, I don't like you, your music, or your singing" She shot me a glare "You better shut up now or else the next meeting we have won't be so pleasant" 

I grinned at her. Next thing I know she launched herself at me. 

Taurus's POV-

"Hey guys who's up for a movie later" I asked the group.

"I am" They chorused together

"I want to watch...what is it called." Leo pauses to think "AHA 2020: The Movie. You know the one about the pandemic and everyone turns into zombies"

We agreed to watch 2020:The Movie once school was over.

*Time skip- end of school*

"WHO IS READY TO PARTY" Shouted Virgo when we exited the front doors of school. We earned a few stares but nothing too much. By now, the majority of school is used to our "Unruly" Behavior. 

"Chicken" Capricorn said randomly. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"WELL COME ON SLOW POKES" Aquarius screamed from the from of the pack. We all ran to catch up with her. 

Cancer's POV-

I felt Virgo jump when the zombies can put to eat the brains of the Children, JK. She started to squeal like a little girl on christmas. I shook my head and chuckled. I saw Aquarius lean down and whisper something into her ear. She nodded eardley and headed to the kitchen. 

"W are... Uh grabbing some snacks from the kitchen" She paused and looked Aquarius.

"Yeah, Do you guys want anything" She looked around and all of us shook our heads no.


I had a feeling they were up to something else too,

Something no good.

Gemini's POV-

Today was the day I was going to ask HER to prom. I am sooo fucking nervous. What if she says no, what if she d-

"Hey dude calm down she is going to say yes" 

I shook off the nerves that were making me jittery. 

"I got this" I walked over to HER. 

"Hey, Will you go to Prom with me?" There I said it, But the next word is what shocked me the most. 


Hey yall, 

CLIFFHANGER, ahem sorry guys. Thanks for over 1k reads, Seriously I was expecting this book only to get around 100-200 reads and maybe number 100-ish in something as the highest but NO. Thanks for Top ten in many categories and again thanks a bunches. 

Tay <3

PS: I told you I would sneak in an update ;) 

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