Prom- Part II

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Cancer POV-

When we returned, our eyes zeroed onto the girls lying on the floor.

"Guys, I don't think they were like this when we left" Taurus said

"YOU DON'T SAY" Sag said

"Wait Guys, There Is writing on the wall in blood" Gemini noticed 

"Nah its Red paint" I pointed out

"HOW DO YOU KNOW" Scorpio exclaimed

"Mostly because it says "written in red paint" and that there is a red paint bucket and a paint brush next to where it is written" I shrugged. 

"Ok lets get back to the problem" Capricorn said

"Oh um... Yeah you mean the dead girls on the floor" Taurus said cheerfully

"Why are you so cheerful" Scorpio looked at him surprised and a little scared

"Ok so who noticed that they were in extreme pain before we left" Sagittarius looked around the room at all of hands raised. 

Suddenly, A bright light shot through the place where we left the girls and the woke up rubbing their eyes.

"no NO NO Not now this isn't suppose to be happening" Aquarius yelled 

We all glanced at each and we knew exactly what happened. For the writing said it:

It's time   

Taurus POV- 

"Hey Guys" 

"Yeah" Capricorn replied

"Are we supposed to be shirtless and the others wearing dresses" I asked 

"Yes you are. It is time for the commmmmiiinnnn-"

"GUYYYSSSSSSSS" Pisces screamed in my ear.

"Huh What" I shook off my dizziness

"You Guys went to go get us water and then just fell" Libra explained carefully

"Oh, So like you did" I replied

"Haha very funny" Aquarius sarcastically said to me.

"Cheesy sauce, I'm Sorry" 

"wait, if we just fell then how did we have the same dream"

Gemini POV-

"That is a good question" I replied "One I don't know the answer to"

"WAIT WHAT!?" Aries screamed "GEMINI DOES NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO SOMETHING...There is a first time for everything"

 I chuckled at this. "Yes I am not all knowing" 

She laughed her jingly sound, Her fiery red hair billowin-Man I think I am W. H. I. P. P. E. D.    Scratch that I am. 

"Guys I have a tattoo of this weird looking M thingy" Scorpio said holding up his wrist 

"Wait lemme check...Nope I dont have one...Well on my wrists" Sagittarius held up his arms. 

"Dude I got one on my leg, it is weird like a p but rounder and has one that looks like a q one the other side" Cancer shrugged

"I want a food one" Three of the signs said simultaneously. Aquarius, Taurus and Pisces were fighting over which one to call dibs. I rolled my eyes but noticed something out of the corner of my eye

"Found Mine"

Sagittarius POV

"ALL COUPLES TO THE DANCE FLOOR" The DJ shouted over the roaring crowd. We made our way over to the dance floor.

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