Chapter 14

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Play this during Virgo's POV ^^

Currently, I am eating Chick-fil-a at 11pm. like who doesn't


Aquarius's POV-

Currently, I am sitting in a hellhole and sitting next to my favorite person in the world. Note the sarcasm. 

"Helllllooooo Aquarius, Do we still have you" My science teacher asked me

"Huh? What? 42???" I said really confused. 

She sighed "Aquarius next time I catch you staring into space, It will a detention" She ran a hand through her hair "This is the TENTH time I caught you. TENTH!" 

" I am truly sorry, Mrs. Science teacher person" I said utterly serious

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY NAME" She shook her head

"Yes I do, Its..." I trailed off "Wait wait don't tell me... AH! Its Mrs. Science teacher Person" I grinned at her

"Well since you don't know what the heck we are talking about I will pair you with..." Mrs. Science Teacher Person looked around and her eyes landed on the one person I DESPISE "Capricorn" 

I groaned.

"Ok class, This Project will be about the arrangement of different color patterns on anything really and how they affect the environment and/or the food chain" She clapped her hands signaling to begin.

"Hey Beautiful" 

Before I even realized what happened, I punched him

Pisces's POV-

I got partnered with this dumby over here.

"Whats is H2O" Taurus asked

"If you weren't so stupid you would know" I replied not taking my eyes of the computer

"Ok so its smart people" He looked honestly confused 

I sighed "It is water" I glanced up and gave him "Are flipping kidding with me right now" Look

"I knew that" He smiled dumbly at me and I rolled my eyes. 

"Ok, You know how some lizards aka chameleons can change the arrangement of their skin colors to fit in with the environment. Well I was thinking that we could do the project on how that it affects the survival rate of the population" I rose my eyebrows at him (I don't know anything about chameleons so don't hate on me if I get something wrong) 

"Yeah...Definitely" Taurus lets out a nervous laugh "Whatever you just said" And he winked. 

I am honestly confused on why he just winked at me...Am I just over analyzing things or what? Meh, I don't really care.

*Time skip*

Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, and I were walking down the hallway when I noticed Gemini and his PLAN was ready. I elbowed Aries and pointed to Gemini's sign. 

It said "Will you be my H to my O" Aw how cute.

She looked shocked and took a deep breath before she responded

Aries's POV-

I was walking down the hallway when I felt a jab in my ribs. I glanced up to see Pisces pointing to Gemini who was holding a sign. Obvi, you know what it said because it is written in nerd language. 

I took a deep breath before answering "OMG YES" I squealed at the top of my lungs

Gemini dropped his head "I knew you would say no it was stu-"

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