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Hey guys so I will be doing shoutouts here. So if there are people here who are being the best people on Wattpad, they will be here. Okay well here it goes-

@katmee6 - Commenting, Voting, Following, MAKING the cover and helping out a lot. 

@Faking_Euphoria - inspiring me to write this book and Voting 

@WeebYaoiFangirl12 - Voting on ALL of the Chapters

@sassy_and_sarcastic - Voting on ALL of the chapters and supporting

@RandomLibraLady - Calming me down when I was about to have a heart attack

@AliensAreAwesome - Voting on ALL the chapters

@FilledWithRage - Giving me feedback and voting 

@EvangelicaMisanami - Voting, Commenting and following. I won't forget about helping me out with some more cover stores. TYSM

@Sakura_Aesthetea - Commenting and really inspiring me to keep the book up even when I felt like stopping

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