Chapter 10

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"Why do you have to go with them?" Trying to make the question sound curious instead of indignant, you looked up at Jin instead of turning away sulkily. It was, to be fair, a valid query. Jin was your Royal Guard, not your brothers'. You couldn't see the reason why Namjoon would ask him to go with them to see the informant; a little outing that they were planning to keep quiet about, which meant that they wouldn't be identifying themselves as royalty.

"They might have chosen more particularly because only a very small group is going," he explained. As the informant didn't like to draw attention to himself, it made sense to take as little people as possible. Loath as you were to admit it, there was wisdom in taking Jin as well as your brothers' own Royal Guards, as they were already trained to protect specific targets. It didn't make you very happy, but you were confident that Jin would be one of the best men for this task.

While you became lost pondering the possibility of someone dear to you being injured, a shadow blocked the soft sunlight basking the garden plants with nutrients from your face. Looking up, your eyes widened when you saw Jin leaning in so closely that your noses almost touched. Any instinct to jump away was overridden by concern when he sighed and glanced around surreptitiously. Before you could open your mouth to ask him for an explanation, he sealed it shut with his own. It wasn't the hot, passionate kisses you'd shared with him that night in his room several moons ago, but he still made you sigh with happiness easily. The worries that had plagued you eased and your rigid body softened against his warm form that was kinder than the sun on your skin. His kiss, pressed gently but firmly against your lips made you momentarily forget about the world and its myriad issues, until faint voices from not too far away reminded you that you were in the castle garden. As secluded as the corner was, you were still outside where anyone could see you.

However, Jin was quicker to react, carefully pulling away, although he kept his large hands on your shoulders. Your breath was shaky, almost as rapid as your racing pulse, even though it was just a simple kiss from Jin. Relief flooded your system when you didn't see anyone walking past him, and his next words quickly pulled your attention back to him. "I'll keep your brothers safe, so don't make that face, please."

Perhaps your concern showed on your face, despite having been accustomed to keep your expressions impassive since you were young. Or maybe it was just that couldn't keep your guard up for long around Jin. On the other hand, it could be his perceptiveness that saw through your calm and collected mask that hid the worry within. Yet he did miss one thing, so you told him, "Not just them. I want you to be safe, too."

He blinked, just once, in surprise, before his face broke into a radiant smile. One that you returned instinctively, especially when he reached up to gently caress the side of your face. "I will, if only I get to see you smile like this once again. It's even harder to resist kissing you now." His low voice was as deep as a kitten's purr, soothing as it graced your ears.

That, and his kiss, were the only assurances he managed to leave you, as he left with your brothers not long after that. It was just a day trip to see the informant hidden somewhere in the capital, but it was no less suspenseful for the short time taken. You whiled the hours away brooding on the balcony of your chambers rather than read the book in your lap. Maids came and left to replace your cold tea with fresh ones, but they left with a full pot more often than not. Instead of the written words on the collection of paper, your eyes were more attracted to the courtyard in the distance, darting in that direction every few minutes. Fluffy clouds floated by leisurely along the azure background that lazily, but eventually, turned into hues of orange as the sun moved across the sky.

The warmer colours overhead were accompanied by a steady drop in temperature, and you soon started to shiver as the day approached night. Just as you started debating whether you should at least head in and grab a shawl or not, you saw rather than heard the sound of horses' hooves of the princes' and their three guards' making their way past the castle gates. Immediately you rushed in to make your way through your chambers and hallways, meeting them just as they were entering the building. Namjoon's smile was tired, even though he looked relieved to be back, while Jimin's was welcoming and a little mischievous, as usual, and Jin's was as polite as your brothers' own Royal Guards, albeit a lot warmer in your eyes. The Crown Prince didn't need to ask you the reason for your rushed welcome, simply laying a gentle hand on your shoulder to steer you towards his study.

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