Chapter 11

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You knew you should never have trusted Jimin.

Still, it was too late to do anything but smile now. Although you'd have liked nothing more than throw a few choice words at your brother or even deliver bodily harm, the man standing next to him was preventing you from acting on your raging emotions. The only thing you could do was the exact opposite of what you felt like doing, but you did it anyway; you smiled. "Why did you summon me here, dear brother?" You addressed Jimin, lips in place but with eyes shooting daggers towards him, emphasising the last two words so that they came out saccharine sweet.

"I happened to mention the small problem that you are struggling with to Namjoon when Prince Taehyung was in attendance," Jimin said, clearly trying to keep himself from laughing outright. He knew exactly how angry you were with him. It only served to fuel the playful side of him, relishing it as he gestured to the person in question. Prince Taehyung's warm expression, on the other hand, was polite and didn't seem to be hiding any mischievous intent. A tool of Jimin's scheme, unsuspecting in the part that he was playing in this. You weren't sure if you were more sorry for the guest Prince or yourself.

You followed Jimin's gaze to look at the Crown Prince of Delphina. It wasn't hard to guess the reason he was here, but the expression you showed him was of polite curiosity regardless. "I inquired about the possibility of teaching you to dance. That is why your brother brought me here; so I could ask you myself," he answered your unspoken question.

Of course Jimin would talk about something like that when Prince Taehyung was within earshot. You wondered if he'd said anything else to get the guest Prince to make such a suggestion. Really, you wouldn't put it past your brother to do just that. It wasn't a gesture that you appreciated — does anyone like having their weaknesses revealed to someone they hardly know? — but there was nothing else you could say now. "If Your Highness don't mind, it would be my pleasure."

"Well!" Jimin exclaimed suddenly with a clap of his hands, causing you to jump a little and catching Prince Taehyung's attention. "There is no time like the present. If I recall, Your Highness, you do not have anything scheduled this morning, am I correct in saying so?"

"Yes, I am quite free," Prince Taehyung confirmed.

"Then I'll leave you to it," Jimin said chirpily. The speed at which everything progressed and settled blew you away, and you couldn't think of anything to say. Your flabbergasted state gave Jimin the opportunity to make a quick exit, but not before flashing a wink your way. As the door to the hall closed behind him, you decided that you could take up your grievances with him later, and make the best of the situation for now. The sound of the heavy mahogany door echoed in the large space that was empty except for you and your suddenly appointed instructor. Taking a deep breath to steel yourself, you turned to him, mind racing to come up with something to say.

"I'm sorry about that." In the end, an apology was all you could think of. For your brother's behaviour and for your own lack of abilities that had landed Prince Taehyung in this situation. However, he shook his head, disagreeing with you. Wordlessly, he extended his hand for yours. You obliged, allowing him to place your hand on his shoulder, his own on your back, and took your other hand in his.

He started to move slowly, taking you with him, and only then did he start talking again. "I'm glad to be given the opportunity. As Prince Jimin pointed out, there is nothing else that requires my attention this morning. It is a happy coincidence that the opportunity presented itself to me, as I'd like nothing more than to be able to personally talk to the princess that the two Princes of Amaryll speak so highly of."

Hearing that your brothers had spoken about you to the Crown Prince that you admired shouldn't have been surprising, but having him tell you so was still unexpected and pleasant. Suddenly you felt bashful and unable to say anything more than a soft, "thank you."

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