Dad: ???
Mom: ???
Sibling(s): None
Crush◻ Lover◻ Spouse☑: Bosnia
Gender: Male
Eye color: Blue
Sexuality: Straight
Serb (Mostly friends)
Serbie/Serby (Bosnia)
BFG (Used to be just EU, NATO joined a couple years after WWIII)
Soft giant (Bosnia)
Fricken tree (Russian Empire)Kid(s): Yugoslavia (deceased)
Languages: Serbian, English, Russian, German, Austrian, Hungarian, Bosnian, Croatian, Romanian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Montenegrin
Mourned Yugoslavia greatly
Spends more time with his friends, Russian Empire, Second Reich, and Austria-Hungary than the countries
Hates being around the Balkans since all they ever do is argue
~Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Montenegro are an exception. Sometimes SloveniaWhen Yugoslavia was a baby, his friends helped him since he was very new to being a parent. They continued to help all the way till Yugoslavia was an adult
Often makes fun of Empire for his height. Sometimes he gets seriously injured from it but it's worth it every time
The countries are annoyed he's never around them but he doesn't care
Never had any ill feelings towards Austria-Hungary and Second Reich during and after WWI, in fact he didn't want to fight them since they were his friends
Felt bad when Austria-Hungary and Second lost their countries
Worried deeply about Empire when her country suddenly pulled out of the war
Lost his eye during the war
Held a grudge against the Balkan countries after Yugoslavia collapsed, still kinda does
~Likes Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Montenegro more than the othersHasn't healed all that much after Yugoslavia's death. Just don't mention her and he'll be fine
Whenever he is with the countries, they always forget he's there since he's always gone
~Quote from one instance: "You want me here, yet when I am you ignore me. Make up your minds."Doesn't like getting bossed around
Good friends with Russia, talks to him often
The tallest countryhuman that is still a country
Hates tall jokes
Eye that was shot out during WWI occasionally hurts and bleeds spontaneously
The countries like it when he has a big smile and is really happy since some/most of em think it's cute
Countryhumans Headcanons (Needs updating)
CasualeWelcome to my black hole of Countryhumans headcanons. I'm making a seperate headcanons book for Statehumans since that's another huge fandom and I have a lot of stuff for them lol. Fair warning, my headcanon is WEIRDDDDDDD- By the way, I edit the ch...