Chapter 42

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DEAN: Win, where are you? I haven't seen you for days. And you missed a lot in school. And I also didn't see you at the swimming training. What happened?

WIN: I need some time for myself.

DEAN: What do you mean? What happened, Win? Are you ok?

WIN: Yes, I'm ok. I just have to think about some things.

DEAN: What things?

WIN: Dean, just give me some time, okay? I'm fine. I just need to clarify some things with myself. I will contact you when I'll be back, okay? Don't worry about me. I'm alright.

DEAN: Okay, but don't do any hasty actions, you hear me? And if you want to talk, I'm here.

WIN: Thank you.

Win turns off his mobile phone and packs it back into the pocket of his trousers. He looks at the ocean in front of him, closes his eyes and deeply breathes in and out. He needs to get his head clear. From all the anger and bad thoughts inside of him. But also, from the hurt he feels when he thinks about the photo of Team and the other girl he received. This happened a few days ago, but it still hurts.

On the one hand he doesn't want to know who she is and it's actually not his business, but on the other hand his heart broke when he looked on the screen of his mobile phone and saw Team and the other girl hugging. Especially because this is the second time, he got something like this about the boy. Why on earth is this the things of less things he can remember lately? Why can't he just remember the good things? Why does it have to hurt so much?

He remembers how he got the first photo of Team and the girl standing close to each other. She gave him a kiss and Win remembers the night before the car accident and that it felt like someone would stab him with a knife. He remembers this feeling so well, because it's now the second time he feels it. Why are feelings so difficult? Why can't anything just be easy and he could be happy? With Team.

He opens his eyes again and sits down on the sand beneath his feet. It's such a relaxed place and Win remembers being a kid, playing with the sand, building sandcastles and swimming in the big ocean. How he misses the good old days when everything was easy. No feelings, just the sun, water and the joy they brought. Ko Phayam always was a place for him to fully relax. Like his own treasure he needs in bad times and these memories he wants to keep as long as possible. Here, he always felt and still feels free.

He didn't recognize how he felt asleep, still laying on the sand. The sound of the waves and the smell of salty water calmed him down and wiped away all the bad thoughts and feelings for a while. When he wakes up again, he looks at the screen of his mobile phone and recognizes shocked, that he just slept for nearly two hours. All alone on the beach.

He stands up, wipes the sand off his clothes and walks back to one of the bungalows. He's happy that his friend Puth gives him shelter for a few days to clear his head. Puth never asks too much. He's one of the less people Win knows, who he fully can trust and who always is here when somebody needs his help. And now it's the moment when Win needs his help...well, actually just one of his bungalows to sleep in for a few days. All Puth asked when he arrived was, for how long he will stay. It makes no difference if Win would have say three days or three weeks, Puth always accepts it and is always willing to help where he can help.


„What do you mean with He's away for a few days?", Team asks Dean who now stands in front of him after today's swimming training.

Team still was suspended, but today he just needed a break from all the organization stuff and went to the big swimming hall to – at least – watch the others swim. Even watching them calms him down.

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