Chapter 51

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Thanks to the funfair, every student has a free day today. For Team it's one of his big days. It's the first time for him to play guitar in front of more than just three people, which are actually his friends only. The complete last day and today he practiced with Melanie. He for himself is not satisfied, but Melanie supports him by telling him how great he plays. And actually, he can, but he's too shy to accept.

„I hope everything goes well. What if the people don't like my play? What if I forget the text? Or what if I play wrong and they laugh about me?", the dark-haired boy says pouting.

„Calm down, Team. Everything will be fine. You practiced so much for today. Everyone will love it, believe me.", his cousin Melanie says with a smile on her face.

Team sigh: „Okay, if you say so. But please get me out of there if they start laughing, will you?"

Now, Melanie starts to laugh.

„I will, Team. But I know that won't be the case."

Later on, Team texts Pharm (with Dean) and Manow to meet at the funfair at six. So, it's now two hours until then and he gets nervous with every minute.

There is one positive aspect about the practicing: He wasn't able to think about Win. He was so busy with his guitar play that he nearly forgot about him. Of course, he would never forget him and especially not what he did to him in the café and that he – again – broke his heart, but this time it seems like it can't be fixed. For now, and today it's good that he gets some distractions from all this and tries to focus on tonight's play in front of the whole school.

When they got ready, Team took his guitar and together with Melanie he drives down to the ground floor and walks to his car to drive to the funfair.


Neither Pharm or Dean talked to Team about the big misunderstanding from Win about Team's cousin. Win pleased them not to tell anything to the boy. He fucked it up himself, so he has to fix it himself again. He just got a text message from Dean that they all will meet at six at the funfair.

He looks at his watch. One hour left. So, he takes a short shower, dresses himself in a nicer outfit and heads down to his car to drive to school. While driving, he thinks about Team and what he did to him. He should never go this far and didn't even give him a chance to say what really happened and that he, Win, is a totally idiot and misunderstands everything. He wouldn't complain if Team would never want to talk with him. If he would ignore him until the end of time. If he...would be happy with someone else but Win.

But he must try it. He must try to talk to him, to tell him that he did all wrong and that he actually loves the boy and wants to be with him. That he always wanted to be with him, but his stupid mind went crazy and he couldn't think clearly.


It's already very crowded at the school's terrain. From far away you could already see the big Ferris wheel and hear a lot of voices talking and screaming.

„Sounds like fun. Let's go!", Melanie says and grabs Team's arm to enter the funfair.

They get overtaken by lot of people, the lights, music from everywhere...everything. It's bigger than Team ever expected. Of course, he organized nearly everything, but to see it in real life is something different. It's overwhelming.

The more they get onto the terrain, the more people greet him and thank him for his organization. Everyone loves it and Team can't stop smiling when they finally reach the stage. Backstage he sees a lot of his classmates with instruments and other equipment, everyone is nicely dressed and with one second, he feels like being part of them. He can see in their faces that everyone is nervous, like him. And somehow, that fact calms him down. He's not alone with that feeling.

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