Chapter 44

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Team stands there, still looking at Win's figure which gets smaller and smaller afar. He's unable to move. He just stares with big tears falling down this face. How could all this turn out so badly? He doesn't even understand what just happened. And he never saw Win that angry and sad. Now it was Win who broke his heart...again. But this time it was on purpose and not because he can't remember his past.

Team slumps down on his knees. His hands touch the sand beneath him and his head hangs down. And he cries. Cries so badly and can't stop. He didn't even understand what Win means. What was he talking about? What photo? Which girlfriend does he mean? Team doesn't have a girlfriend. In general, he never had any romantic relationship with someone else, no matter if boy or girl.

But he didn't have the chance to explain the whole situation. He couldn't even explain himself. Win didn't give him a chance to say anything. He was so in rage and Team was scared about this side of the elder.

'That's it. Now I lost him completely.', Team thinks.

How could he even clarify anything if Win doesn't give him a chance to do? He moves and takes the same position Win did when he reached him. He sits on the sand, staring at the water in front of him. It won't help if he would run after Win. He knows that the senior won't listen to him. Why should he now if he didn't just a few minutes ago? Nothing will help. And Team realizes this. He knows that he lost Win forever and that there is no way they will come back.


Hours pass and it's already darker outside. Team still sits on the sand, the same spot he took after Win left him. His tears are dry. He can't cry anymore. He's too exhausted. And it's getting colder and he shivers. When he looks up to the sky a single raindrop falls down on his face.

'Awesome! Now it will start to rain. The day can't get any worse.', he thinks.

Another raindrop.

He stands up from his spot and decides to go back to his bungalow. First, he starts walking slowly, but as closer he gets to his bungalow, the more rain falls down. He reaches the house totally soaked from the wet above.

It rains cats and dogs and Team is happy that he finally reaches the bungalow. Quickly he closes the door of his porch and undresses himself to take a hot shower. By that time, he got very cold and needs something to warm himself, otherwise he could catch a cold. And that's the last thing he wants to get.

„Ahhhh...", he sighs loudly when the hot water touches his cold skin.

He closes his eyes and enjoys how the water makes himself warm again. He places one hand on the wall in front of him and lowers his head, feeling the water on his skin.

But then he feels how another liquid is mixed with the water from the shower. He thinks about Win and must cry again. You can hear a heartbreaking sobbing from the bathroom and Team sinks down in the tub. He sits down and pulls his legs close to his body, wrapping around his arms. He buries his head on his legs and cries. Cries loudly and a lot. He can't stop. The shower is still on and the water still patters down on his body.

After a while he calms down slowly. He still sobs, but he also knows that it won't help anybody if he cries and cries and won't stop. And he feels very sleepy. That's why he decides to turn off the shower, steps outside and dries himself with a towel. When he takes a look at the mirror he flinches. He looks in a sad face with swollen red eyes. Quickly he looks away again and leaves the bathroom with the towel around his waist to get dressed.

The rain didn't stop. To the contrary, it got worse. The rain became more and it also started to wind and sometimes you can hear a dark rumble. Team doesn't like thunderstorms. He always was scared about thunder and lightnings when he was a little boy and that didn't change until today.

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