Sara : morning
Tegan : hi
Sara : how long u been up
Tegan : a while jake was up aswell then went back to sleep
Sara : of course he did so lazy
Tegan : well he did work his ass off we got some coconuts wood and got fish i helped but he did more
Sara : ok one thing how are we meant to open the coconuts
Tegan ; bash them on the rocks thry spilt be careful of your hands its how i messed mine up
Sara : ouch ok I'll be careful
Tegan : good now I'm gonna go to the waterfall
Sara : I'll come with gotta shower aswell
Tegan ; ok

We get up grabbing a few things and we go to the waterfall and we have a shower and i brush my hair and teeth and i get dressed

Sara ; i feel so clean
Tegan ; me to but how long is body wash gonna last
Sara : we have over 200 poeples suitcases i think we will have plenty
Tegan : true ok
Sara : let's head back

We walk back to the plane

Daniel ; wondering where 2 went
Sara ; shower
Daniel : i can see by the wet hair and towels
Jake ; how was the shower
Tegan : cold
Sara ; freezing but aleast were clean
Tegan ; yh
Daniel ; I'll shower later i don't have the energy like at all
Jake ; its Probley the lake of food
Tegan : yh have some food
Daniel ; i will
Sara : I'm so bored there is litrally nothing to do and i know were stuck on a island and there is gonna be nothing to do but i am so bored
Jake : we can go some where private and...
Tegan ; I'll go for a walk
Sara : Tegan
Daniel : I'm with u
Jake : thank u

We quickly get up walking away

Daniel : how the hell is that gonna work the seat aren't big enough for one person to sleep on let alone 2 people about to hock up .
Tegan : don't know don't really wanna think about it
Daniel ; no nither do i
Tegan : i feel like they need there own space there married
Daniel ; how can we give them space
Tegan : well i don't sleeping on the floor probley more confterble then the plane seats .
Daniel ; the floor
Tegan ; yh I'll make this hut or try to it will be out side the plane and if it rains stay in the plane . I'm just thinking of them
Daniel ; ok
Tegan ; u can stay in there with them or i can make u one aswell
Daniel ; make me one but if it's uncountable and my back starts hurting I'll go back on the plane and tell them to stop acting like honry teenagers
Tegan : its there first time doing it
Daniel ; we've been here 3 days and there already having sex
Tegan : leave them alone cause i bet if we weren't here u would be having sex
Daniel : no atchally cause i would be in Hawaii having no way of meeting girls . But if i was LA maybe cause i go to partys a lot get drunk and yh
Tegan : womanizer
Daniel : am not
Tegan : mhm
Daniel : I'm not i swear yes I've been with a few to many girls but I'm not a womanizer . I always try getting a relationship out of them but there like sorry I'm not looking for anything . Or sorry I've got a boyfriend
Tegan ; oh shit
Daniel ; so yh Not a womanizer i swear
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : i bet if we weren't here u would be sleeping with someone
Tegan : no i wouldn't be atchally i don't sleep around and haven't slept with anyone in a while
Daniel ; ok
Tegan ; do u think I'm a slut
Daniel : what no no i just said it cause u said it to me and i don't think your slut
Tegan ; Daniel calm down i was messing i kinda gatherd u asked cause i asked u
Daniel : oh thank god
Tegan ; your face was so funny it dropped
Daniel ; well i thought i had made it sound like i was calling u a slut
Tegan : ok
Daniel : do u think we should head back or...
Tegan ; lets head back we hear anything we regret we run away
Daniel : ok lets go

We head back to the plane

Daniel ; we in the clear of have u still not done it
Jake : we've done it
Sara ; oh my jeuse
Daniel ; lovely
Tegan ; so me and daniel were talking and we thought we would make theses hut or what ever and we stay out here
Daniel : more her idea but yh give u some space
Sara : what no its fine stay on the plane
Jake : stay
Daniel ; no its fine it will be nice plus I'm 100 sure it will be more confterble then the plane seats cause my back already hurts
Sara : are u sure
Tegan ; i am
Daniel : and me
Sara ; ok
Jake : we can help u make what ever it is your making
Sara : yh
Tegan ; lets try this

We all get up and we all make theses huts and it worked surprisingly and after we had made the huts we cooked some fish and we ate .

Daniel : I'm full
Sara : me to
Jake ; how its 1 fish and not very big one
Sara : its still food and we aren't all greedy like u
Jake : sorry i like my food stop bullying me
Sara : i will never stop bullying u
Jake : great
Daniel : your stuck being bullied for the rest of your life
Jake ; help
Tegan ; don't be mean I'm sure u knew what u got yourself into when u got married
Sara ; he did so shut up
Jake : make me
Sara ; oh i will in there now
Tegan : ugh

I cover my face and they go in the plane

Daniel ; 2 time today honry
Tegan : yes ok maybe
Daniel ; I'm gonna take shower come with its dark
Tegan ; ok

I get up and we head to the water fall

Daniel : woah jeuse its cold
Tegan ; u aren't even fully in
Daniel : i don't think i can
Tegan : we haven't just walked out for u not to shower also your gonna start to smell if u don't shower .
Daniel : but its cold
Tegan : get in
Daniel ; no

I stand up

Tegan : don't be a pussy
Daniel : i am not a pussy
Tegan ; yes u are
Daniel : not
Tegan ; in smelly
Daniel : not smelly

I push him into the water fall and he screams

Daniel : ahh i hate u
Tegan : you'll get over it...hopefully shower
Daniel ; fine

I sit back down on the floor and i look up at the sky and u can just see the stars throw the branches and leaves .

Daniel : done
Tegan ; cool give me a sec
Daniel ; ok

I grab some of my stuff and i brush my hair and teeth

Tegan : all done let go

He sticks his hands out i grab them and he pulls me up

Tegan ; thanks
Daniel ; no problem
Tegan : nice shower
Daniel : hate u
Tegan : well get over it were stuck with each other for god knows how long
Daniel ; god help me I'm stuck with 2 honry people and u
Tegan ; well I'm stuck with a pussy
Daniel ; take that back
Tegan : no
Daniel : well your even more of a bully then sara to jake
Tegan : is that meant to hurt me
Daniel ; kinda
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : no I'm not trying to be mean its a joke but be nice to me I'm in fragile state
Tegan : I'll try
Daniel : thank u much appreciated
Tegan ; are u ok
Daniel : huh
Tegan ; are u ok how are u dealing with being herr and not being able to see your family or cheak in on them
Daniel : well not doing the best its not the ideal situation to be stuck here . But I'm aleast I'm alive and with my family i miss like crazy but I'm trying to not think of them cause it kills me not knowing if there ok
Tegan : yh
Daniel : how u doing with it
Tegan : same as u really
Daniel : I'm here if u wanna talk
Tegan : same with u

We get to the plane

Daniel ; well i think there asleep
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; I'm gonna take first shift
Tegan : I'll take second then I'll wake one of them when its there
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : night
Daniel : night

I get in my hut and i lay a blanket on the floor and i lay down

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