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Sara : ugh
Tegan : hi
Sara : shit we feel asleep
Tegan : u did
Sara ; u slept
Tegan : can't
Sara : anything from him
Tegan : no
Sara : he'll come round when hes healed
Jake ; bruh my neck
Sara : mine to
Jake ; have u not moved
Tegan ; nope gotta pee bad but he looks peaceful
Sara : jake will look after him i gotta pee aswell come on
Tegan : no
Sara : yes and then u can stretch aswell Tegan come on
Jake : i got it
Tegan ; ok

I get up and jake takes my place and me and sara walk away and we pee

Sara : u need to change clothes your coverd in blood
Tegan ; i know
Sara : i feel really uneasy
Tegan : lets head back
Sara ; yh
Tegan : every noise i hear I'm scared
Sara : me to we've been here for ages feeling safe and now theres some killer on the lose making us all uneasy and every noise we hear we think it's the killer
Tegan : i know but fuck u

I yell

Sara : stop
Tegan : no show your face don't hide now
Sara : your trying to get us killed
Tegan : no
Sara ; well it feels like it shut up
Tegan : fine
Sara : i know your pissed we all are but shouting your mouth isn't gonna help
Tegan ; well i wanna know who this fucker is
Sara ; so do i trust me hi
Jake : hi i think hes coming round
Tegan : what

I sit down on the floor

Tegan ; Daniel
Sara : hey wakey
Daniel ; mmm
Tegan : thank god
Jake : dude don't scare us again
Daniel : what ah u son of a bitch 
Sara : don't move
Daniel : what happend
Jake : u were stabbed
Daniel : stabbed
Sara : don't u rember
Daniel : no
Tegan ; u were stabbed and you've been out 24 hours
Daniel : shit...wait who by
Jake : i didn't see there face i don't know if its a girl or boy
Sara : theres a killer on the lose
Tegan : u don't rember a thing
Daniel ; no what was i even doing
Jake : cleaning the clothes
Daniel : oh
Sara : do u want water
Daniel : please
Tegan ; don't u ever scare me like that again or I'll kill u myself
Daniel ; i didn't plan on scarring u and don't kill me please

I hug him

Tegan : i won't
Daniel : ow
Tegan : sorry
Daniel : its ok but now i am fragile
Tegan : i know u are
Jake : i thought the plane going down was traumatizing but seeing u getting stabbed was
Daniel : sorry i traumatised u
Jake ; just don't get stabbed again or any of u
Sara : we won't
Daniel : so is someone trying kill us all  then cause like that's fun
Jake ; we got fishing sticks for protection its the best thing we have
Daniel ;  great
Tegan : that person who stabbed u trust me they don't wanna come back
Jake ; got that right
Sara : we all wanna hurt this person but if we get off here and u say you've killed someone you'll be going down for a long time .
Daniel ; in a way it will be self defence thid person attacked me first
Sara : but the police aren't gonna know that they could think we went crazy and tryed killing them
Daniel : true don't kill this person
Tegan : they hurt u
Daniel ; I'm alive aren't i
Jake ; what if u didn't make it then hey and they could come back and try again
Sara ; stop there be stupid to come back especially now so just stop
Daniel : lisen to her please
Tegan ; ok fine
Sara ; jake
Jake ; for now
Daniel : i need drugs
Sara : don't have any
Jake : i couldn't imagen how much pain your in
Daniel ; worst pain ever worse then my appendix
Tegan : u shouldn't of been on your own yeserday
Jake ; no and from now on no one goes any where alone
Daniel : good idea
Sara : do u honestly not rember anything
Daniel ; not a thing
Tegan ; say if u rember anything even if itd the tiniest stupiest of things
Jake ; yh cause i wanna know what happend
Daniel : me and i think all 3 of u do
Sara : yh
Tegan : do u want anything
Daniel ; I'm good
Jake : food could help engery and that
Daniel : i can't
Sara : drink plenty water then
Daniel ; i will
Jake : were leave u 2 we will carry on from yeserday
Sara : sounds like a plan

They walks off

Daniel : what this
Tegan : there putting big sticks in the group thinking its gonna protect us i guess but i dunno
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : promise me u will not get hurt again
Daniel ; i can't make a promise i don't know if can keep
Tegan : i don't care promise me cause yeserday and all of last night was horrible . So u promise me
Daniel : i promise
Tegan ; thank u
Daniel : u can't hurt either
Tegan : i won't
Daniel ; u promise me
Tegan : promise
Daniel : if u do find out who did this to me don't hurt them
Tegan : I'll do worse then hurt them
Daniel : no u don't touch them cause i don't wanna be visting u or jake in prison
Tegan ; they tried killing u
Daniel ; u trying to kill this person makes u just as bad as that person
Tegan : i know
Daniel : so leave it
Tegan : fine
Daniel : i need to change clothes
Tegan ; really
Daniel ; aleast just my shirt its covered in blood with a massive hole
Tegan : it already hurts when u move this is taking your shirt off
Daniel ; u can help
Tegan : i don't wanna hurt u
Daniel : please
Tegan ; I'll be back

I get up and i grab him a shirt and i go back taking his shirt off gently and i help him put the other shirt on

Daniel : ah
Tegan ; sorry
Daniel ; its fine
Jake : were carry on tomrrow have some coconut
Daniel ; I'm good
Tegan ; thank u

We all eat apart from daniel and tryed making him eat but he wouldn't

Jake ; why don't u 2 go to bed
Tegan : why
Sara ; u both need it
Tegan : I'm good
Daniel ; I've been asleep a whole day u sleep
Jake ; no go on u 2 bed
Sara : we demand u
Tegan : u demand us
Sara : yes
Daniel : lets not even fight them come on
Tegan : ok
Jake ; night
Daniel : night

I help daniel up to our hut and then i brush my hair and teeth and i get in the hut

Daniel : shatterd
Tegan : why were u fighting them then
Daniel ; cause
Tegan : just cause
Daniel : yh
Tegan : ok

I kiss him

Tegan : u scared me
Daniel : i am sorry but i really didn't intend on getting stabbed
Tegan : i know
Daniel : but i am sorry for scaring
Tegan : better be
Daniel : i am
Tegan : i love u
Daniel : what
Tegan : i love u
Daniel : i love u too

I kiss him again and he kisses me back

Daniel : why couldn't u of said this the other day so i could do more
Tegan : to scared to say but what happend yeserday i thought i lost u and now i just wanted to say and get out there .
Daniel : why were u scared
Tegan : i just was but i said it now
Daniel ; u did
Tegan : i really want to hug u but i really don't wanna hurt u
Daniel : give me a few days
Tegan : ok right u sleep
Daniel : ok mom
Tegan ; be quiet
Daniel ; ok

I kiss his cheek

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