Daniel : wakey wakey
Tegan ; oh why
Daniel : we said we would meet sara and jake for lunch and we are meant to be meeting them in an hour and half
Tegan ; ok
Daniel ; i got u pills for the hang over
Tegan : don't get hang overs
Daniel ; your fucking luckey
Tegan : yh right I'll be back
Daniel : ok

I kiss his cheek and i get out of bed going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth i get dressed and i do my makeup .

Daniel ; we ready
Tegan ; yes
Daniel ; good lets go
Tegan : before we go i just wanna say I'm sorry for last night don't rember much but i know i was drunk and Probley pissed u off
Daniel : u didn't its was fine
Tegan ; u sure
Daniel : yes now come on i wanna see jake
Tegan ; alright ok

We walk out the door getting in daniels car and he drives to the cafe

Sara : ah
Daniel ; hi

We all hug each other

Jake : long time no see
Tegan ; its been to long
Sara ; to fucking long we need make up some rule thing up
Tegan : how about we all meet like once a week
Sara; I'm down for that
Jake : me to
Daniel : thats even if were all here
Tegan : what
Daniel : don't worry
Tegan : ok
Sara : so guess what
Daniel : what
Sara ; jakes started smoking again
Tegan ; jake
Daniel : seriously
Jake : i met up with some mates and they smoke and they offerd me a cigarette and i took it and now I'm a smoker again
Daniel ; dude say hello to lung cancer
Sara : litrally
Jake : I'll stop
Tegan : when your dead cause it will happen sooner then planned if u carry on smoking
Daniel ; and its so disgusting
Jake : I'll stop at the end of the day
Sara ; I'm keeping u to that
Jake : ok
Tegan : right any other news
Sara : we've started talking seriously about adopting
Daniel : ay
Tegan : little kiddos running around
Jake : sleepless night
Daniel : enjoy
Sara ; we will
Tegan ; must be so exciting
Jake ; it is lets just hope we pass all the tests for adoption cause theres so much u have to do before your able to adopt children
Sara : theres no reason we shouldn't pass
Daniel : u will

Someome comes over taking our orders

Sara : omg the ring

Jake grabs my hand looking at the ring and i start laughing

Jake ; bro u did good
Daniel ; i know
Sara : so your really engaged
Daniel : yes we are
Jake ; congratulations
Tegan : thank u
Daniel ; your like the first person to say that
Jake ; really
Tegan : same with me
Sara : what none of your friends and family haven't
Daniel ; no
Jake : thats so sad
Tegan : sure they just forgot and didn't mean not to say it
Daniel : yh probley
Sara : well u have us congratulations hope things go good
Tegan : well I'm planning on things going good
Daniel :me to
Jake : no one cheat
Daniel : never
Tegan ; nope
Sara ; always talk and communicate be honest don't keep anything to yourself
Tegan : we will
Daniel ; mhm
Jake : what was that
Daniel : what
Jake : that mhm what was that
Daniel ; nothing
Jake ; right
Sara : u ok
Daniel ; yh fine
Sara : ok
Tegan ; so other then talking about adopting what else have u been doing
Jake ; catching up with frineds and family mean 9 months is a long time to go with out talking to them
Daniel ; trust me when i go to the hospital and my family came in we spoke the whole night a lot of crying
Sara : i still cry
Tegan : i only cry at night when I'm alone thinking how luckey we atchally are and that we survived the most terrifying thing thats probley gonna happen to us .
Daniel : i don't think anything can top that but then we are young and anything can happen
Jake ; well we just gotta hope nothing else happens
Justin : hey u
Tegan ; hi

I get up hugging him

Tegan : what are u doing here
Justin : well I'm hung over so my mom said to go for a walk
Tegan ; ah
Justin : how are u cheater
Tegan ; i am not cheater i won fair and Square
Justin : sure
Tegan ; did u and sara sleep together
Justin : my cue to go bye
Tegan : Justin

He walks off and i sit back down

Daniel ; whos he
Tegan ; my frined from high school
Daniel : ah

Our food then arrives and we eat

Sara : yum
Jake : dessert anyone
Tegan ; God no
Daniel : can we go i want to talk to u
Tegan : um yh
Sara ; ok see u soon
Daniel : yh see u
Jake : bye

We all hug and me and daniel head to his car and i kept asking what it was about but he said wait until we go to his

Tegan ; ok were home what is this about cause its scarring me
Daniel ; sara said talk to each other and don't keep anything well your keeping something from me
Tegan : no I'm not
Daniel : last night u said u wanted to move to Hawaii still and not to tell me but u told me thinking i was someone else .
Tegan : i was drunk
Daniel : do u still want to move there
Tegan : no
Daniel : Tegan be honest
Tegan : i want to be with u here
Daniel : if i wasn't in the piture would u move to Hawaii

I nod my head

Tegan ; yes
Daniel : then u need to move to Hawaii
Tegan ; no
Daniel ; yes i don't want to be the reason u don't move out there cause in the future your gonna hate me for pretty much holding u back . So tegan u move out there
Tegan ; no I'm not leaving u
Daniel ; we can do long dictence
Tegan : how will that work engaged couples don't live separately
Daniel : what if we don't get married yet we give it a few more years
Tegan ; is that what u want
Daniel : no if i could I'd marry u right now but we should give it a few years were young and we have the rest of our lifes to get married . While your young u should do what u want to do .
Tegan ; i don't want to leave u
Daniel : i can get over my fear of flying and i can fly out to see u when ever and I'm sure u can aswell it will be like were never apart
Tegan ; but we will be and i can't live a life where your not in everyday . So i am gonna stay in LA for a year if i still want to move to Hawaii i will but i am not moving out there any time soon . I'm staying with u
Daniel ; if u stay u can't hate me and blame me for not moving out there
Tegan : i would never hate u or blame u this my choice
Daniel : promise
Tegan : i promise

I hug him

Tegan ; god I'm a mess

He wipes my tears away

Daniel ; i only want whats best for u
Tegan : i know u do

I cuddle into him

Daniel ; maybe we can move to Hawaii for a while together
Tegan : no LA is fine
Daniel ; are u sure
Tegan : 100%

He kisses my cheek

Daniel : right i think we should start talking about moving in with each other
Tegan : yes
Daniel ; do u want to move in here or we could find a new aprement or maybe even find a house
Tegan : i think a house would be 1 to much and 2 to big for 2 people
Daniel : true
Tegan : maybe i can just move in with u less hassle u have your music room here and it would be a pain to move it all
Daniel : yet again true ok I'll get u a key cut and u can start moving in when ever u want
Tegan ; your gonna have to deal with my snoring again
Daniel : god help me
Tegan : well i may have sorted that for u
Daniel : huh
Tegan : i was to drunk to give them to i yesterday give me a sec
Daniel ; ok

I get up getting my bag and i find the ear plugs

Tegan ; hopefully they will help block me out
Daniel : i pray to God they do
Tegan ; am i that bad
Daniel : its terrble i will record it
Tegan ; u do that and I'll slap
Daniel ; u alredy
Tegan ; I'll slap u 10 times header
Daniel : then I'll punish u
Tegan : woah kinkey
Daniel ; i know
Tegan ; no but seriously don't record me
Daniel ; ok i won't
Tegan : thank u

I sit up looking at him

Daniel ; yes
Tegan : nothing
Daniel ; no i think theres soemthing
Tegan : no theres not can't i just look at u
Daniel : u can but its weird
Tegan : i don't care
Daniel : ok

He puts his hand on my face

Daniel : i love u
Tegan : i love u too

I kiss him and he kisses me

This is a crappy ending but thank u for reading

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