Daniel ; wake up
Tegan : huh

I sit up

Daniel ; thank god your alive
Tegan : what
Daniel : well its like noon no one had seen u and then i came to cheak on u and it didn't look like u were breathing so i woke u sorry to wake u
Tegan : its fine
Daniel : I'll leave u
Tegan : I'll be out in a sec
Daniel ; ok

He leaves and i lay back down covering my face

Tegan ; ugh

I sit up grabbing some clothes and i get dressed and i get walk out brushing my hair and teeth

Sara ; your up
Tegan ; yh
Jake ; so guess what
Tegan ; what
Daniel ; were playing tag
Jake ; saras idea she said we need exercise
Sara ; and fun so tag

She tags jake and we all start running away and i hide behind a tree and i hear them sticks breaking and screaming and laughing

Daniel : boo
Tegan : stay away
Daniel ; I'm not it
Tegan ; oh really then why u moving closer to me

I start walking backwards

Daniel : I'm just walking
Tegan ; don't belive u
Daniel ; i swear
Tegan ; still don't
Daniel ; stop walking away
Tegan : then stop getting close to me turn around and go find sara or jake
Daniel : and what get risked getting tagged
Tegan ; your it
Daniel : Tegan I'm not
Tegan : danel don't lie to me
Daniel : I'm not

I fall over and daniel falls onto me and both start laughing

Tegan ; ouch
Daniel ; u calling me heavy
Tegan ; did thoeses word's leave my mouth
Daniel : no but it feels like u insinuated it
Tegan : no u fell on me i think it would hurt anyone if someone fell on them
Daniel ; ok
Tegan ; so wasn't calling u heavy
Daniel ; ok
Tegan ; stop saying ok
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : omg

He starts laughing

Daniel : I'll stop
Tegan ; thank u....stop looking at me like that
Daniel : like what
Tegan : all weird lookin
Daniel : I'm weird lookin
Tegan : yes

He starts tickling me and i start laughing

Daniel : take it back
Tegan : never

He starts tickling me again

Tegan : stop
Daniel : never
Tegan : don't mimic me
Daniel ; don't mimic me blah

I hit him and he grabs my hand and i look at him

Tegan ; um
Daniel : shut up

He kisses me and i kiss him back putting my hand on his shoulder slowly wrapping my arms around his neck

Daniel : tag

He quickly gets up

Tegan ; u son of a bitch

He starts running away and i get up running after him but we run into sara and jake so i tag jake and we play tag for ages and by the end i was so out of breath and tired .

Sara ; oh jeuse
Daniel : sleep for a god damn week
Jake : u can't be that tired
Daniel : i am shatterd apart from cleaning clothes getting fish and coconuts we've done nothing. We Haven't exercise
Sara : hes right
Jake ; ok
Tegan ; who even wants to exercise
Jake : defantly not me
Tegan : same
Sara : may not be fun but its good for your health
Daniel : yh but its effect
Sara ; your all lazy
Jake : we are awear
Daniel : I'll work out when i get home
Tegan : if we get back
Jake ; we will
Tegan : ok well I'm gonna shower
Sara : ok
Daniel ; I'll come with
Tegan ; ok

I grab some stuff and we head to the water fall

Daniel ; so I'm a son of a bitch
Tegan ; yes u are oh jeuse its cold
Daniel : I'm happy its cold u called me a son of a bitch
Tegan : and u kissed me then tagged me I'm pissed
Daniel : what about me kissing u tagging u or breaking the kiss
Tegan ; i-i....I'm just pissed leave me alone .
Daniel : no i wanna know
Tegan : and i wanna slap u
Daniel : rude
Tegan : well u woke me from my sleep so your the rude one
Daniel : i thought u were dead
Tegan : still woke me could of left me even if u thought i was dead
Daniel : no i wasn't gonna leave u there if i thought u were dead
Tegan ; well i wasn't
Daniel : well i thought u were but shut up about that now
Tegan : fine
Daniel ; low back to the kiss and tagging u
Tegan : no we forget about that
Daniel ; ok

I continue to shower and i get out changing my clothes and i brush my hair

Daniel ; are u a fake blonde
Tegan : kinda i dye my hair this blonde but I'm naturally a dark blonde
Daniel ; faker
Tegan : ok
Daniel : when i was younger i used to be a dark blonde but then my hair got dark
Tegan ; really
Daniel ; yh its weird tho me and my brothers have dark hair and so does my mom and dad and then anna is blonde
Tegan ; your sister
Daniel ; yh
Tegan ; is any one else in your family blonde hair
Daniel : my moms side is blonde
Tegan ; maybe she got it there then
Daniel : never thought about that ok makes sence then
Tegan ; dummy
Daniel ; u really bully me
Tegan : well i can't bully anyone else
Daniel ; u have sara and jake
Tegan ; no i like bullying u and your fragile little heart
Daniel : hate u
Tegan : feelings mutual
Daniel ; sure
Tegan : what...I'm not even gonna ask
Daniel ; ok
Sara : yo
Daniel : yo back
Jake ; eat up we cooked fish

We sit down and we eat

Sara ; fiers getting low I'll get wood
Daniel ; I'll come with

They go

Tegan : u ok
Jake ; fine
Tegan ; just fine
Jake : i just really want a cigarette
Tegan : craving one are u
Jake ; yes I've been wanting one since we got here but today is the worst
Tegan ; few more days and it will pass hopetully
Jake : i hope cause if it carrys on getting worse I'm gonna go crazy
Tegan ; don't do that please
Jake : try not to
Tegan : just don't think about it and think of all the heath benefits u get from stop smoking
Jake ; i know and saras been begging me to stop for years i guess now's my time
Tegan ; it is
Jake : yh
Tegan : right I'm head to bed
Jake ; ok someone will wake u when its your turn
Tegan : ok see u
Jake ; night

I get up and i brush my teeth and i get in my hut and i lay there for ages i couldn't sleep to many things running around in my mind . Keeping me up

Tegan :I'm about to go psycho on myself

I heard laughing out side i get up walking out

Tegan ; u laughing at me
Daniel ; yes why u going psycho on yourself
Tegan : i can't sleep
Daniel : don't sleep then
Tegan : but I'm tired
Daniel : then try harder
Tegan : like i haven't been trying for god knows how long
Daniel ; its been a while
Tegan : yh anyway go sleep I'll do the shift
Daniel : no
Tegan ; u may aswell sleep i can't so
Daniel ; not tired either
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : want any apple juice
Tegan : no thanks
Daniel : ok

I sit down

Tegan ; u look tired u sure u don't wanna sleep
Daniel ; I'm good....why do i have a feeling u don't wanna be with me alone
Tegan ; kinda right I'm scared your gonna kiss me again
Daniel : was i that much of a bad kisser
Tegan : yes
Daniel ; ouch that hurt

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; no your alright not the worst
Daniel ; so I'm not your best
Tegan : it was like a 10 second kiss can't say much on it
Daniel ; what if i kissed u again
Tegan ; I'd have to slap u if u kissed me
Daniel : why
Tegan : u kissed me so u could tag me u used me
Daniel : no i kissed u cause i wanted to kiss u and to see if u would kiss me back which u did . And i tagged u after so i didn't use u
Tegan ; mmm

We look at each other and i kiss him and he kisses me back

Daniel ; wait wait u said if we kiss u would slap me are u gonna slap me
Tegan : no i said i would slap u if u kissed me and u didn't i kissed u
Daniel ; oh
Tegan : now u gonna stop talking
Daniel : yh I'm shutting up now

He trys to kiss me

Tegan ; night seavey

I get up going to my hut

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