Sara : wake up
Tegan : no
Sara : theres another helicopter Tegan up
Tegan : shit

I quickly get up and i join sara and daniel trying to there attention while jake sets off there gun

Daniel : please
Sara : its coming down
Tegan : i better not be dreaming
Jake : i will litrally cry if this is a dream
Sara ; help

As the helicopter comes down we stand back cause sand was going all in our faces and i kept pitching myself seeing if this was a dream . Cause i have dreamt of this before being saved plenty of times

Jake : please tell me your here to safe us
Man ; i am and everyone else a search team is its way do u know if anyone else from the plane alive
Daniel : we haven't seen anyone but we belive people are alive some people tryed coming at us
Man ; ok so i got some news
Sara : what
Man ; i can only take 3 of u back to LA theres not enough room for the 4 of u but like i have said search is coming
Tegan : I'll stay
Jake ; no i will
Daniel ; no u guys go i want to mentally preper myself for getting on something that's up in the air
Sara : can i please go i just can't be here anymore
Man ; I'm gonna need to know now we need to head back asap
Daniel : please go I'll be fine here
Tegan ; Daniel
Daniel : I'll be fine I'm sure it won't be long till search people come here
Man ; there an hour out
Jake : are u sure
Daniel ; yes please just go and if any of u see my family tell them i love them and i have thought about them everyday and I'll see them soon
Sara : we will
Tegan : promise
Daniel : thank u
Jake ; see u soon man
Daniel : see u soon
Tegan : ask again
Daniel : what
Tegan : ask me to marry u again
Daniel : tegan will u marry me
Tegan : yes
Daniel ; yes
Tegan ; yes i will marry u

He hugs me

Man ; we need to go
Daniel : go and I'll see u soon
Tegan : be careful and I'll be waiting for u
Daniel : i will

I kiss him

Tegan : love u
Daniel : love u too
Tegan : bye
Daniel : bye

We all get on the helicopter and as we take off i watch daniel slowly become smaller as were flying away untill i could not longer see him. And for the whole time i looked out side the window and focused on my breathing . I hated flying now

Skip a few hours landded at an LA hospital and i get taken to a room to get cheaked over .

Dad: omg
Tegan : dad

I quickly get hugging him and i start crying

Tegan ; come here

I pull lexi into the hug

Lexi : u do this again go missing I'll kill u
Tegan : missed u to
Lexi : missed u loads
Dad : are u ok
Tegan ; dehydrate but apart from that I'm good wheres mom
Lexi : we need tell u something
Dad ; its nothing to bad
Tegan : what
Lexi : after the plane went missing and u had been gone about a month mom started acting weird . I took the doctors and she had been taking pills so shes in rehab
Tegan : is she ok
Dad : shes fine shes been made awear your safe and back

I nod my head

Lexi : what happend out there to the plane
Dad : Lexi
Lexi : sorry
Tegan : i-i don't really know the people i was with we all think ot was a storm that brought the plane down
Lexi : u were with leah right
Tegan : no we lost each other when the plane went down
Dad : so u were with strangers
Tegan : strangers at first now there my family we all looked out for each other
Lexi : I'm happy u had people would of preferd u home
Dad ; u sound more like the parent
Tegan : thats what i was thinking
Lexi : well I've matured
Tegan : i can see
Dad : will u be able to go home today
Tegan : yh they've already said i can go I'm all good
Dad : should we go then
Tegan ; yh um i need to talk to someone quick
Dad : ok

We walk out the room and i go to reception

Women ; can i help
Tegan : yh i was wondering if u heard of a leah jones coming in
Women : can i ask whos asking
Tegan : I'm her frined i was on the plane that she was on
Women ; right ok shes fine as far as I'm awear shes on her way and still gonna be a few hours till shes gets here
Tegan ; ok and one more thing
Women : ok
Tegan : is daniel seaveys family here
Women ; waiting room 12 down the hall
Tegan ; thank u

I walk to the waiting room

Tegan : hi are u daniel family
Keri : yes
Anna ; your Tegan u were on the plane with daniel
Jeff : were u with him
Tegan : yh i was with him
Keri : is he ok
Tegan ; yh hes fine there was an incident a while back
Jeff : what
Tegan : he got stabbed
Jeff : what
Tegan : he made it tho and he recovered and hes been fine since but he asked me and a few others to say he loves u and he thought about u all everyday and that he'll see u soon
Keri ; thank u
Anna : your here friend then

I nod my head

Tegan : yh so I'm gonna go tell Daniel I'll see him soon
Keri ; we will
Jeff : bye
Tegan : bye

I walk out

Dad : lets get u home

We walk out the hospital and we go home and i went stright to kitchen getting food

Lexi : what did u eat out there
Tegan : fish coconuts and berrys
Dad : u hate fish
Tegan ; i wasn't gonna complain it was food we had no other choice
Lexi : yh
Dad : are u ok
Tegan ; yh
Lexi : your keeping something your playing with your ear
Dad : was everything ok at the hospital
Tegan ; nothing happened at the hospital
Dad : what then cause u are keeping something
Tegan : I'm...
Dad : god please tell me u aren't pregante
Tegan : no
Lexi : let her talk
Tegan ; when i was out there i met a guy and we started dating and yeserday he asked me to marry him
Dad : excuse me
Tegan : i said no...But today i made him ask me again and i said yes
Lexi ; so your engaged
Tegan : yh i am
Dad : wow
Lexi ; so let me get this stright your in a plane accident meet a guy start dating then u get engaged
Tegan : yh
Lexi : when the next plane accident so i can get engaged
Dad : no lexi don't even joke
Lexi : sorry
Tegan : your disappointed
Dad : no I'm not im just shocked I'm happy for u but god
Lexi : is he nice
Tegan : beyond nice hes sweet kind careing and i want to spend the rest of my life with him .
Dad : he won't try kill u or fall lexi
Tegan : no
Lexi ; ok i already approve but i do wanna meet him
Dad : so do i
Tegan ; u will meet him
Dad ; just gotta ask u sure about this
Tegan : never been so sure in my life
Lexi : so u won't be moving to Hawaii
Tegan : nope
Lexi : good i can annoy forever
Tegan : thought u matured
Lexi : no now your back its going out the window
Dad : u bring the worst of her out
Tegan : sorry
Lexi : no she bring the best of me out
Tegan ; this is sister love
Lexi : yh it is
Tegan : missed u
Lexi : miss u more
Dad : so u didn't miss me
Tegan : of course i missed u and mom
Dad : well we missed u
Tegan ; yh
Lexi : u smell

We all start laughing

Tegan ; thanks
Dad : go shower
Tegan : i am don't miss me to much

I go upstairs and i go into my room and not one thing has changed it looks the same as when i left i lay down on my bed and i had never missed my bed so much .

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