Skip a few days

Jake ; morning
Tegan : not so much morning anymore
Jake ; yh how long u been up
Tegan : don't know a while
Jake : need your sleep
Tegan ; i know but stop being a dad you've been like this for days
Jake : a dad u and daniel cause your the youngest and i know this isn't easy
Tegan ; well don't dad me and its not the easiest for any of us were all stuck here away from family and for from normality .
Jake ; your getting more mature as the days go by
Tegan : shut up
Jake ; ok
Tegan ; I'm going to the waterfall to clean some clothes want me to clean any of yours I've got sara and daniels clothes
Jake ; no all good
Tegan : ok see u
Jake : be safe
Tegan : i will

I get up and i get the pile of clothes and i go to the water fall cleaning all the clothes and i hang them all up so they could dry amd i head back

Daniel : we were about to go look for u , u were gone ages
Tegan ; there was a lot of clothes
Sara : thanks for cleaning the clothes
Tegan ; no problem
Daniel : come eat we cooked fish
Tegan : eaten
Jake ; what to do today
Sara : sit on our asses and be a bored as normal
Daniel : why don't we all get to know each other better mean we don't atchally know much of each other
Jake ; ok we all ask a question and we all answer
Tegan ; if u any brother or sister how many and how annoying from 1 to 1000 are they
Jake : 5 older brother there a one billon
Daniel ; 5 brothers
Jake ; yh and they've all tried making a move on sara
Sara ; yh but apart from them making a move on me there funny
Tegan ; 5 is many
Jake ; i know its why i moved out whem i was 16
Daniel : damn
Sara : i have no brother or sisters only child so i had a pretty boring childhood
Daniel ; i have 2 older brother and a younger sister and when we were younger they were 1000 annoying but now I've moved out and my brothers moved away there went down to a 50
Sara : your poor sister 3 brothers
Tegan : gotta feel sorry for her
Daniel ; shut up
Tegan ; well i have an older sister now when we were younger she wasn't annoying then we got older thats when she went to a 1000
Sara ; i want a sister
Jake ; i don't I'm happy the way my life is
Daniel : right next question
Jake ; happiest memory
Tegan ; getting my first role in a short film
Sara ; u were in a film
Tegan ; short film yes
Daniel ; that's so cool

I nod my head

Daniel ; moving out to LA with my frineds when i was 17 to become a singer
Jake : u want to be a singer
Daniel ; yh
Tegan ; where did u move from
Daniel : portland
Sara ; hows the music going
Daniel : got no where yet but i will I'll make sure of it
Jake : good
Sara : my memory is getting married i got married to my bestfriend my soul mate
Tegan : aww
Daniel : ew
Tegan : shut up its cute
Jake ; mines getting married aswell best day of my life
Daniel ; worst memory of your life
Jake : loseing my dad lost him when i was 18 died of cancer and don't go all soft and that
Daniel ; sorry
Jake : its ok now someone else
Sara : i was in a dark place when i had a misscarage
Tegan ; u ok now
Sara : yh i have Jake my family my frineds I'm good now
Jake : god please say yours aren't that bad
Daniel : no i went on idol got kicked off my birthday
Sara ; oh dear
Daniel ; thinking about it not as bad compared to yours
Jake ; still bad tho must of been devastating
Daniel ; yh it was but Tegan yours
Tegan : my boyfriend tried killing me

They all go quiet

Tegan : what
Sara : why did he try kill u
Tegan ; long story
Daniel : we've got all the time in the world
Jake ; say if u want to
Tegan ; um ok so me my frineds my sister and my boyfriend all went camping . And me and my boyfriend desised to go for a walk and we found this mindsharft atchally he knew the mindshaft was there he took us there and pushed me down there. Luckey i didn't get hurt and he wasn't happy the fall didn't kill me and went crazy saying the only way him and my sister can be together is if I'm dead . And then he walked away and left me to die of dehydration and starvation . And i was down there for week before anyone found me and by then i was almost gone .
Daniel : the fuck
Jake ; omg
Sara : how did no one realise u were gone
Tegan ; he told everyone ge broke up with me and i left to get some space and they all belived him
Daniel ; so were him and your sister together
Tegan : no he kissed her but she pushed him off and belived the only reason she didn't want him was because we were together so he thought killing me was the only way they could be together .
Daniel : how did u get found
Tegan ; my family found it weird how i didn't answer my phone to anyone so my family called the police searched the place we went camping and they found me
Jake : hope the dudes in prison
Tegan : dead actually but come lets lighten up the mood
Sara : don't think we can after that
Jake : yh
Tegan ; Daniel sing for us
Daniel : what
Sara ; anything happy and cheerful
Daniel ; happy Pharrell William
Jake ; hate it sing it tho
Daniel ; ok

He starts singing and sara gets up dancing and i get up joining her

Jake ; ok u are a lot better then i thought
Daniel ; thanks i guess
Jake ; keep at it
Daniel ; i intend to
tegan ; do your so good and u getting kicked off idol was some mistake
Sara ; very much agreed
Daniel ; i was young and didn't take it seriously i understand why i got kicked off but i know to take things more seriously from now on
Jake : good for u
Daniel : yh
Tegan ; hey I'm gonna head to bed wake me when ever my shift is
Sara ; food
Tegan : not hungry just tired
Sara ; ok
Daniel : sleep well
Tegan ; i will
Jake : bye

I get up and get a few things brushing my hair and teeth and i get in my hut

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