Tegan : hey
Jake ; hey
Tegan ; we need fish lets go get fish
Jake ; i joke woke up
Tegan ; don't care come on
Jake : jeez ok

I get up and we walk down to the beach and we go in the water and we start catching fish

Jake ; looks like a storms coming
Tegan : lets get theses fish quick then
Jake : yh not like there's many around
Tegan ; well all we need is 4 for now and come back tomrrow
Jake : ok
Tegan ; i really hope we get a storm i love them
Jake ; a storm is what made our plane come down
Tegan ; i know but i can still like them
Jake ; i kinda have a fear of storms
Tegan : really
Jake : yes its massive bolts of light hitting down on the floor its kinda scarey and if u think about it u can hit by lighting and it could kill u . Mean u would be surpised how many people atchally get hit by lighting
Tegan : jake calm down
Jake ; i can't
Tegan ; right come on were eat coconuts and berrys today
Jake : where we going
Tegan ; to the plane
Jake ; thank u

We get out the water and we head back to the plane and the storm started and we get in the plane

Sara ; jeuse where were u u 2
Tegan : getting fish
Daniel ; in a storm are u crazy
Tegan ; we didn't know a storm was coming
Jake ; i hate this
Sara : crap a storm come on

They walk to the back on the plane and i sit down

Daniel : what's happening there
Tegan : jake doesn't like storms
Daniel ; oh dear
Tegan ; yh
Daniel ; who would of thought jake was scared of storms
Tegan : everyones scared of something and u gotta think about it a storm is was took this plane down which led us to be stuck on this island now . Away from family and them not knowing if were alive or dead i can see why he hates storms
Daniel ; yh ok i see why
Tegan ; yh

I pull the arm rest up and i put my legs on daniel

Daniel ; comfey
Tegan : very
Daniel ; luckey u

I nod my head

Tegan : what seat were u in
Daniel ; 2 rows behind here
Tegan ; so not far from the exit then
Daniel : no but i was one of the last off cause everyone was pushing past me
Tegan ; u got off tho
Daniel ; yh
Tegan ; that day was one of the scariest days of my life
Daniel : it was my scariest day of my life nothing bads really happend to me apart from having my appendix removed getting rushed to the hospital wasn't fun
Tegan ; u have scar
Daniel : yh

He pulls his shirt up showing me

Tegan ; wow
Daniel : u got any scars
Tegan : back of my leg
Daniel : what from
Tegan ; when i got pushed down the mindshaft there was soemthing sharp down there went stright throw my leg
Daniel : ouch
Tegan ; yh

We both go quiet and i look out the window watching the rain and lighting coming down for a while

Sara ; hi
Tegan : hi

I look at Daniel and he asleep

Sara ; Jake's asleep aswell
Tegan : how is
Sara ; he had a panic attack and then calmed down a bit and fell asleep
Tegan ; lets hope stays asleep while the storms still here
Sara ; don't think its gonna pass anytime soon
Tegan ; yh
Sara ; what do we do
Tegan ; talk
Sara ; ok
Tegan ; not here tho hes asleep
Sara ; ok

I get up and i walk past daniel and we walk to the front of the plane

Sara ; i wish i was one of the boys right now theres nothing to do and I'm not tired
Tegan ; same tho
Sara : anything interesting happening with u
Tegan ; u would know if there was
Sara : true
Tegan ; u
Sara ; apart from the sex no
Tegan : i didn't need to know that
Sara : sorry
Tegan ; aren't u and jake scared your gonna get pregnate with the amout or unsafe sex your having
Sara : I'm infertile so
Tegan : sorry
Sara : its ok when i was preganate i was in a car accident its how i lost the baby and how i came infertile
Tegan ; jeez
Sara ; i know but when me and jake are ready we can adopt a child and give that child a good life
Tegan : how many kids do u want
Sara : 6
Tegan ; 6
Sara ; i was an only child tegan do u know how boring that is and both me and jake want a big family and have agreed to 6 kids
Tegan ; ok enjoy sleepless nights untill there all 18 and they can move out
Sara : i will...how many do u want
Tegan ; don't mind
Sara : your so simple
Tegan ; thanks
Sara ; its not meant in a bad way
Tegan ; ok

We carry on talking for ages and we laughed a lot

Daniel ; hi

He wraps his arms around shoulders

Tegan ; well hello to u to
Daniel : I'm in a cuddly mood
Tegan : go cuddle jake
Sara ; yh hes always down to cuddle
Daniel ; no up

I stand up and he sits down pulling me on his lap and he cuddles me

Sara ; whats happening here
Tegan ; don't know
Daniel : i just want cuddles i can't cuddle u cause your married jake just no and tegan has no one who
Tegan ; i have sara so i do have someone
Daniel ; well i have no one so now i got u
Tegan ; ok
Sara ; I'm gonna get us coconuts
Tegan : need help
Sara ; i got it
Daniel : be careful its still storming out there
Sara ; I'll be fine be back in a sec
Tegan ; ok

She goes

Tegan : i can't tell weither your trying to sleep with me or your atchally just in a cuddle mood
Daniel ; cuddly mood i swear u would know if i was trying to sleep with u
Tegan ; ok

I lean my head on his shoulder

Tegan ; how the sleep
Daniel : neck kills didn't sleep in the best position
Tegan : yh i saw
Jake ; woah hello how long was i out for cause u look like a couple
Tegan : u were out a couple hours
Jake ; and its still storming
Daniel ; yep
Jake : wheres sara
Sara : here
Jake ; are u stupid out side
Sara : we need food here

She hands us the coconuts and we eat

Jake ; not the same as fish thats barley anything
Sara : well its better then nothing deal with it
Jake ; fine
Daniel : jeez how much longer is this storm gonna pass
Jake : better be fucking soon
Tegan ; well it seems to be just getting worse
Jake : don't say that
Sara : don't worry were fine
Daniel : yh
Jake ; mhm if u say so
Tegan : we do say so your fine were all fine
Jake : ok
Tegan : right I'm gonna sleep
Daniel ; already
Tegan : yes there's nothing else to do and I've been up since the crack of dawn
Daniel ; ok
Sara : night
Tegan ; no funny bussiness while I'm in the plane
Jake ; nothing will happen
Daniel : good

I get up and i head to the back of the plane brushing my hair and teeth and i change my clothes and i lay down on the chairs

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