Baby Bendy and farthely Felix (part 4)

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Suggested by: catsaresooooawsome

(Please read if you read this book first, if you don't understand why it's skipped to part 4 please understand this is a second one-shot so that means this is something to continue the legacy, of One-shots, it doesn't matter but if you want you can go to babqftim One-shot BOOK 1 and see the 1,2 and 3 enjoy)

Felix's POV:
I personally don't know how but bendy got turned into a baby again, he was downstairs getting watched over the crew as I go get some toys for him that Oswald's kids never used.

As I took out 4 different toys I toy bear, a toy car a toy house and a toy doll.

I walked downstairs with a smile placed across my face, as I entered the warm living room filled with the people I know of my friends, I walked towards to sofa that was carrying the weight of, Cuphead, Mugman and Bendy and Boris.

I looked down where we moved the coffee table so Bendy could play right in front of us, but Bendy wasn't there, I dropped the toys as everyone looked at me confused, "where. Is. Bendy?!" I asked as everyone looked at the empty space in front of us, as everyone gasped, "what are you guys doing still sitting on ye butt's?! Get up and help find him!" I said as everyone nodded scattering around the house to look the the young child named Bendy.

"Bendy?!" Everyone shouted while looking in the biggest areas, like behind the curtain's or behind the sofa.

Boris and Mugman went up stairs and I noticed them checking the closets.

I sighed and went to the kitchen, I bent down kneeling on the floor as I looked under the table and chairs, he wasn't there.

I stood up looking around I went to the cabinet opening the one with all the glass cups, not there, I then moved to the plastic cups cabinet, nope not there either.

I looked through the rest of them and sadly Bendy was no where to be found.

Cuphead's POV:
I went upstairs seeing Mug run to me shaking me furiously, "Felix is gonna kill uuuusssss..." Mug said as I started to get dizzy, "gah Mug stop for a sec please.." I said as mug stopped shaking me, "look we will find him we just-" I was them cut off by a baby's laughter, me and mug looked at each other and shouted, "BENDY?!" And went towards the attic, we took down the stairs, and climbed, up, "*cough cough* Ah we need to clean this Attic man.." I groaned, as I covered my mouth from my coughing, mug came up behind me, I wiped away the spider webs getting in the way.

"This is gonna take a while.." mug groaned since there was old dusted stuff everywhere covered in white blankets.

I got the corner of one white blanket throwing it off the bunch of dusted objects, as I looked over it, moving some stuff as well as I looked through the box's and under the chairs. "I got nothing here how about you?" I asked turned to see Mug going through a box, "nothing here but old pottery." Mug said taking out one fact pottery, "damn." I said.

We then heard another giggled, as we ran to the corner of the attic, there were two white dusted blankets we took them off to see Bendy holding a small old clock, we cheered as bendy looked at us confused but then giggled again, I picked bendy up and ran down to the second floor mug following putting the stairs to the attic away as we both ran into the garden where everyone was.

"GUYS I FOUND BENDY!!" I shouted as everyone turned and cheered as Felix came over and snuck Bendy out of my grasp thanking me as he fell to the floor hugging bendy as everyone joined.


Bendy was colouring with Felix next to him, then Felix and bendy began to glow, bendy back to his original size and Felix less protective but still is a little bit, they both look at the drawing and smiled as Bendy continued to colour and Felix continued to watch.

(Awe what a happy family... I guess)

(720 words)

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