So on my first one-shot book I had too much chapter and it told me to Unpublish some things... well as you can tell that's not happening.
So give me your advice, requests
It can be
Don't be shy let's have some more XD
Pengeo's POV: I was just in my living room watching TV until I heard my phone go off hearing the annoying ring tone reply it self trying to be noticed.
I sighed and picked up the phone seeing it was one of my friends, "hey Pengeo!" They said as I giggled, "alright what do you want you cluts?" I asked leaning on the sofa crossing my arms together, "oh we just wanted to ask if you would like to come round mine for a sleep over and some other friends, don't worry you know them and they know you." My friend said, "okay see you Tegan." I said as I hung up, getting up from the sofa and headed up to my room, I grabbed a small bag and started to pack it with clothes, my tooth brush, hair brush etc...
I closed the bag once I was done and threw it over my shoulder if landing to my back as I snaked my arms in the long arms of the backpack.
I looked over at the window seeing it was now turning night time, I quickly grabbed my phone and keys for the house and went out to my friend Tegan's house.
I payed the taxi driver as he then drove away, I walked up the two steps and knocks on the door, not even a second has passed and the door was already swung open, "woah oh hey Zara." I said waving to my other friend as she waved back, "your finally here!" She groaned as I giggled, "I only got the phone call 10 minutes ago you know." I said as Zara laughed, "alright you get a let off for now." She said pointing at me as she moved out of the way from the door allowing me to get entry in the house, I walked in walking past the extra door, and was greeted by some of my other friends
Tegan Zara Chloe & Phoebe
We all waved at each other as I sat down in front of the fire place with the rest of the girls.
I got in my bag and pulled out my favourite grey soft blanket I brought a year ago, throwing it over my body due to it being a cold night.
"Alright so what should we do?" Zara asked, "why don't we tell echo their different scary stories that we believe are true?" Chloe asked, as we all looked at each other and nodded or shrugged.
"Okay well I shall tell you my belief of Cartoon cat." Tegan said as I got comfy I payed down and closed my eyes ready to imagine the story line.
"Cartoon Cat use to be very famous on the TV show. Until one day someone found him in an Abandoned mall, they were able to take a photo of him before their death, and here it is." Tegan said as I opened my eyes and saw the pic.
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He was long with stubs as feet, cartoon gloves with a wide smile which I personally didn't have a problem with and his wide eyes looking at them telling them to be prepared and say their last words.
I smiled at the picture as everyone noticed and shouted, " WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!" As I covered my ears, "because I find it kinda cute." I said removing my hands from my ears, as Phoebe sighed, "you are so a cat lady." Phoebe groaned as I giggled so did everyone els, Tegan then continued, "during the day Cartoon cat wouldn't be there, so when people enter and saw the photo, they immediately kept the photo and ran away, showing it to the news, though That only brung Cartoon cat more attention and he doesn't like attention, but meh more dinner fo him. During night people would go there, if he's not there but secretly saw you he would sneak in the shadows of your home and eat you up so you don't tell the story on. With his huge faint mouth." Tegan showed us another picture of him this time i didn't think it looked so cute, it looked like he wanted to rip your guts open and tear them till they were so small and torn that you could barely ever see it.
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I jumped which is rare for me to do, thankfully no one saw me jump, Tegan Finnish's of her story about if you ever go there your dead meat.
I closed my eyes thinking of a cute black cat with big green eyes that were so cute that you wouldn't of realised you were starring for so long.
"Hey Pengeo." I heard Chloe say as I opened my eyes looking at her, "because your so tough why don't you go to the abandoned mall and record everything you capture and we will see it on the phone." Chloe said sticking a GoPro to my top, "hey why do I have to go?!" I asked, "because it's too cold outside." Chloe said, "so why do you think I can stand the cold?!" I asked, "because your a depressed freak who loves to be alone and go shoo you can bring your blanket with you as well." Chloe said pushing me out the door handing me my phone for a flashlight.
And closed the door, "are you stupid?!" I asked through the door as Chloe opened it, "no why?" She asked, "I don't know where the fucking place is you goose." I said as Chloe froze and laughed nervously "r..right." She said putting the direction on my phone all I needed to do was follow it.
I began to follow the path surprisingly it wasn't that far just a 15 minute walk.
15 minutes later
I finally got there I was standing in front of the abandoned building, as I saw my GoPro flash a little reminding me that the other were watching, I walked in only to hear nothing but water leaking threw gaps on the roof, I walk around failing to see any cats, all I saw was broken brick, rocks or rubbish, "uhh hello? I was kinda forced to be here!" I said causing a small echo I quickly covered my mouth and whispered, "sorry if that was a bit too loud." I whispered giggling a bit, until I heard a brick move, I shut up as I turned to the dark shadowed hallway of the supermarket/mall, "n..no I'm not joking is anyone here?" I asked walking towards the sound like a fucking idiot, 'why can't I stop?' I thought as I continued to walk, then I stopped, I was at the destination of the where I heard the brick, "hello?" I asked, "your probably sick of people saying that now so uhhh hows your day been?" I asked feeling like someone or something was starting at me, giving me the thought I wasn't alien and started to talk, I waited for an answer until I felt my body squeezed together I looked down to see there were black arms wrapped around me like a giant snake would do, I looked up to see the one and only cartoon cat, his smile looked happy and no where near fake as too his eyes, they looked flattered and shy, I was shocked at the siting.
"Why no not really, wow that's the first time anyone has been nice to me and asked a normal question to me." Cartoon Cat said as I frowned, "I'm Pengeo it's nice to meet you Cartoon Cat." I said with a smile full of joy, and Cartoon cat smiled with me and e quickly noticed the GoPro, he squeezed me to which I yelped at, "why do you have a camera on you?!" He asked, his turning into fury and anger, "I..I completely forgot, you can take it and smash it up if you want." I said as cartoon cat suddenly grew another arms grabbing the GoPro carefully of my top and smashed it on the ground as he looked at me smiling with happiness in his eyes once again.
As he let go I fell to the floor due to the squeezing, as CC joined me (ima day CC I'm too lazy)
We talked for quite a bit getting to know each other, surprisingly have a lot in common, I looked over at my phone to see the time it was "CC I have to go it's midnight and it's really really cold." I said holding the blanket close to me.
"Really I can warm you up." CC said as I looked at him, "I thought you don't have electricity here?" I asked as Cartoon cat shook his head, "nope I don't, I have another way." I said getting in my face, I was co fused until I was pinned on the forums found kissing CC, I tried to push his off due to the taste of blood but got use to it and melted into the kiss, slowly kissing back, to hear things more up I wrapped my arms around his neck as CC pulled me close to him, he picked me up throwing me to the wall as he was there holding me to it, grinding me, as I moaned out.
Let's say I might've had a little sleep over somewhere els for tonight.
The end
(Never ever though I would come to writing this until this request came, idk if it's good or bad, and to be honest, it was weird saying Moaned)