Boris x Demon mugs (part 2)

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I kinda forgot the rest of the... request
👁👄👁 so I'll check that out later

Warning: no lemon

Boris's POV:
"Hey wolf boy what're you doing here this late out in the woods?" The mug guy asked, "n..nothing.." I shivered in fear, "look kid ima not hurt you, hoe long you been out here for?" He asked as I calmed down a bit since he stayed his distance, "I..I don't really know maybe a couple of hours." I said, "you must be hungry." He said he swayed he hands and lenses his hand out to me, I was confused until an apple popped in his hand, I jumped as he stayed still, "look I can tell your uncountable with me walkin' to you, so your gonna have to come to me." He said as I nodded and I hesitantly walked over and took the apple, I looked it over and saw nothing wrong with it, I took a bite, and swallowed, I looked at the demon and saw him smirk. I was confused until everything went black.

Mugman's POV:
Well I was dumb, 'ugh I forgot I was a demon and can only give poisoned apples!' I thought in my head, the only reason I was smirking for was because he trusted me enough to actually get something from my hand even though we just met.

I sighed he wasn't dead he was just unconscious, I picked him up and teleported to my mansion, though I was lucky to have my own room because other demons lived here, and they would crave a nice wolf like him.

(I'm gonna change it up a slight bit, sos)

Let me tell you what happened, I was just walking around my forest, the whole forest is the garden to my mansion, I was getting bored of my brother Cuphead mocking me, he was mocking me about never killing someone, sure I've killed things but natural thing you kill like, flys, spiders (I wuv spiders UwU don't hate me)
Ants, you know those kinda stuff.

Until I heard rustling, I saw that there a wolf looking around, he was kinda cute to be honest, so I decided to show my face, and I'm guessing you know the after math.

The be continued

I don't have an excuse but I'm sooooo not bothered to write tonight, I'm soo tired for some reason and all I've been doing is sitting in a bed  ☹︎☹︎☹︎☠︎︎☠︎︎☠︎︎

(410 words)

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