Cuddles (Celix Cuphead x Felix)

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Requested by: thebossfire123

Felix's POV:
I walked inside my home, putting my hat and coat on the coat hanger, I walked to the living room and plotted myself on the sofa, but before I could even close my eyes, I was already ingulped by big arms wrapping around my small body, I didn't even need to look to know who it was, it was the one and only Cuphead.

"Hey baby!" Cup smiled kissing my cheek as I blushed, me and Cup have been dating for a while and we both wanted to take it slow.

"Hey." I smiled pulling away from the hug, only to be taken back again but this time laying on Cupheads chest.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked, I looked at him and smiled, looking at the TV and nodded, "what do you want to watch Zippy?" Cup asked, he calls me Zippy when I'm quite since it's like my mouth is zipped tight, so I thought I'll speak to unzip my mouth, "I don't know, maybe home alone?" I asked as Cups smile widened, he loved that movie and I'll be honest, I like it too. There's one heck of a smart kid.

Reminds me of myself when I was younger but things were way more dangerous heh.

As he was watching the movie all of a sudden my eyes felt heavy and I felt oddly warm, nothing was rapped around me apart from Cups left arm, but all I know was that I passed out into a blissful sleep.

Cup's POV:
The movie finally ended with its awesome ending as always, "hey should we head of to bed, it's getting late." I asked Feel but when I didn't get an answer I saw he was already asleep, 'hah, guess you had that idea a while ago.' I thought a smile planted into my face.

'Your gonna make me have wrinkles Feel, with how much I'm smiling around you, I just can't help it.' I thought again, picking Felix up and taking him to bed, where I held him in my arms, as I drifted to sleep as-well.

The end

(I mean they were cuddling)

(364 words)

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