Party (Preg Mug x Boris Mugoris)

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Requested by: Mrsinkydeath

No ones POV:
Mugs was pregnant with Boris's child, and they didn't mind at all. Everyone was excited to meet the new addition to the family.

As Boris was cooking up something for his Husband, he received a massage, Boris opened it up to see it was from his big brother Bendy, Boris smiled as he happily answered.

Boris: Hey bro what's up?

Bendy: well me and Cuppy are planning on throwing a party and wanted to ask if you could come?

Boris: well I'll have to check with mug first. Thanks anyway

Bendy: no problem, text me if he says no.

Boris: okay

And that was all to it, just a good hi and bye.

Boris put everything down and went towards the living room, there placed his loving pregnant husband, "hey babe?" Boris asked as Mugman turned his head towards Boris, "yes hun?" Mugman asked boris, "well Bendy has invited us to a party can we go?" Boris asked, Boris desperately wanted to go though, Mug and Boris hasn't seen anyone for a couple of months now because of Mugman's pregnancy.

"I'm not sure.." mug said looking away, "c'mon this will be good for the both of us." Boris smiled as he sat down next to Mugman, "how?" Mug asked, "well we can finally talk to everyone after months and being parted from them." Boris stoped, but no reply came so he continued, "the fresh air could do you some good." Boris paused to breath, "and you can finally have a bit of fun instead of lazing around being bored." Boris smiled as did mug, "okay fine." Mug laughed as Boris hugged him.

"If you want to leave tell me okay." Boris said as Mug nodded.

Boris quickly texted bendy that they were going and the two husbands went out the house the house together walking to Bendy's house.

Hours went by

And they all had fun

Well until Bendy and Oswald got drunk and started to fight each other, thankfully Felix and Cuphead was able to pull them away, all that Cup had to do was pick bendy up it was a funny  sight to those around.

Everyone went home either drunk, tired but mostly happy and calm.

Mugman was more trustworthy to go out the house and meet his friends and family now.

Which was a very good thing.

The end

(I really struggled to come up a story for this one XD sorry it took so long and thank you for your patience)

(423 words)

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