Carnival with the crew

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Requested by: catsaresoooooawsome

Mugman's POV:
Me, Cuppy, bendy, Boris, Felix and the rest of the circus crew including the kids were sitting in the living room. We were all watching tv. Until Bendy said, "ugh, I'm bored..." bendy groaned as everyone hummed in response, "we all are." Cuphead replied.

"Why don't we go the the carnival, there's one down the street." Boris mentioned, "alright then, let's go there." Mickey smiled as everyone nodded.

No ones POV:
Everyone got up and parted ways to their rooms.

Once everyone got dressed, they all met back at the front door and walked down the street, all talking to each other on the way.

Oswald, Felix and the kids were messing around with Felix and loving Felix.

Mickey, goofy, Donald were talking about what ride they will go on first.

Boris and Bendy were talking to Mugman and Cuphead about whether they should have popcorn and donuts first.

Time skip because I'm lazy on Sundays... literally

Boris's POV:
As we enter the carnival we have a little walk around to see what activities there are, I heard a small voice behind me saying "daddy! Daddy! Can we go get the ducks and win a prize!" I turned to see it was one of the children tugging on Mr Oswald's shirt pointing at the activity called "lucky duck? Alright." Oswald smiled, as he went over with all his 420 kids.

"Hey! Mr Mickey! Are you gonna stick with us or do you want to stick with your brother?" I said pointing at Oswald and the kids, "oh, yes! Thank you Boris." He began to walk away but then stopped and turned back around, "do you wanna play?" He asked, I looked over at Bendy to see him looking over at me, a stern face as if he's thinking.

He sighed and nodded, I jumped of excitements "okay!" I smiled and went with Mr. Mickey.

Bendy's POV:
"So can I hang with you?" I asked Cuphead, he looked to me "why don't you be with your ~dad~" Cuphead mocked me, "one time dude really!" I blushed in embarrassment, "sure, do you want him to brush your hair again~" cuphead carried on, "oh for gods sake." I groaned, "hahaha" cuphead laughed, "cuppy no! Of course you can hang out with him." Mugman smiled, "him?" I asked, "yup I'm going to the rest, bye!" Mugman waves bye and then followed the direction of the others. Me and Cuphead looked at each other a groaned.

We then both began to walk, "so what should we do first?" Cup asked looking around, as did I, "how about we go on the tea CUP ride hahaha!" I laughed as Cup groaned, "how about we go on the highest rollercoaster?" Cup pointed at the highest one, "well let's hope you tea doesn't come out of your head." I smirked, pleased with what I had just said as he looked at me shocked, "how did you know it was tea?" He suddenly asked, I looked at him awkwardly, "well uh, your hair colour is like tea." I looked away awkwardly as did he.

"Let just go to the others" cup said turned in the direction of the others

"Yup!" I said and followed.

We all ate Cotten candy, popcorn and went on multiple rides, which kept messing up or hair a fur.

The end

Sos it's kinda short I didn't know how to write this 😅

(574 words)

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