Boris x Demon mugs (part 3)

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Omfg you people have patience! And I'm so so sorry I didn't upload in ages... I don't know why but I was just scared to update this 👁👄👁

IT LET ME ADD MUSIC *dances in joy*

Boris's POV:
I woke up in a bed groaning, I opened my eyes to see it was night time and was in an unknown place, realising that I was somewhat kidnapped I shot right up looking around a bedroom I was in up and down, I turned to see the right corner and saw someone sleeping and their knees, I got worried in case they were kidnapped as well, I slowly crawled out of the bed and tip toed over to him, not wanting to know the hard way he was dangerous.

I tapped his shoulder and all he did was shuffle his head a bit, so I tapped him again, but this time I jumped away from the shadow figure.

The guy lifted his head groaned and looked at me, then smiled I stood up and hugged me as I was confused and oddly felt... safe?!

"Oh my daze your okay." He said keeping his voice down for some reason but I knew if he wanted to yell that sentence he would've.

I hugged back without hesitation for some reason and tapped this unknown persons back.

We moved away from each other and I saw who it was, "it's you." I said shocked as he nodded "I'm sorry I didn't mean to give you a poisoned apple, I really didn't." He mumbles as I giggled, "it's fine as long as it was an accident." I said as I blushed a bit, at his cute reaction, of shock and happiness, I held his cheek and he put his hand on mine, and leaned in it.

He removed my hand and put his hand on my cheek as I then nuzzle my face into his hand as I giggled and smiled.

I was then pulled into another hug.

*Pretend they know each other's names because I can't remember if they introduced each other yet 😅*

Third persons POV:
After Mugman and Boris sat on to now be known as Mugman's bed they started to talk and get to know each other, their crushes for each other growing within each word that came out of their mouth.

They played cardboard games and some twister  until Boris asked an expected question, "why can't I go home till day?" Boris asked tilting his head to the cute demon across from him, "*sigh* it's because other demons will see you they will try and own you.." Mugman said as Boris jumped, a dirty idea coming across Boris's not so innocent mind anymore.

To be continued

I'll continue it tomorrow if your lucky.
I've just been upset ever since last night.

Other then that ima be a mean one and not let this slip into the lemon until next chapter.

(490 words)

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