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Kaden Black

I watched him help the student committee put up posters for the yearly dance. He ruined my plans with his charity because now I was in the cafeteria, where loud kids could irritate me. I sat on the table minding my business and watching him stand on his toes on a small stool and felt anxious. He'd fall, the cute little siren and I wouldn't be fast enough and he wouldn't appreciate how public my save would be.

"Your doing it again." I blinked then, my cheek twitching. Who is talking to me and why do they think they can? I looked over at Simon, raising a brow as he pursed his lip. After the camp the boy decided I was not so bad and would often talk to me even if I ignored him.

I looked away and realised that Jackson was out of the cafeteria. I stood with my bag and growled then when his hand touched me.

"Don't. Fuckin'. Touch. Me." I was in his face then and his eyes widened, he shrunk in on himself and I caught the scent of another wolf, one not in my pack all over him and sighed. "Are we clear?"

The last thing I needed was to touch the human mate of another wolf, that would be disrespectful and it would be seen as an act of war.

"You shouldn't do it." Simon cleared his throat stepping back. "He's the teacher." I tilted my head and rolled my eyes.

"I'm not your friend, Simon. You don't get to give advise."

I turned from him while the students let out sighs of relief and some disappointment. I caught the worried asks of his friends and questions on when he became so brave while I sought my mate.

I sniffed around and found him by his class, finally done with helping to set up. I shook my head and jogged over because the bell would ring soon.

"You weren't nice." I told him frowning and feeling the need to vocalising my displeasure.

"Excuse me?"

"Being helpful isn't helpful." He sat down chuckling.

"Mr. Black, you can't tell me not to do things I want to do."

"I will try." He rolled his eyes. "I didn't get to eat because of you." He frowned then and looked at my stomach then at me and sighed reaching for his bag. He put his lunch tin down.


I eyed the thing and looked over at him curiously while he pulled out another and cleared his throat.

"You made two?"

"No," he sounded defensive and it was so cute that I couldn't help but smile as I took it and opened to see a whole meal. "I cooked and had extra," he cleared his throat again and I dug into sweet heaven.

I couldn't help it. I moaned, my eyes wide as I looked at the food and a blushing Jackson. He's a really really good cook.

"I think this is the part I invite myself to dinner at your place." He snorted and shook his head while we ate before the bell rang.

I made my way to class when I caught my name. I paused halfway, staring down at my phone and pretending to be texting when really I was playing a game.

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