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Ever since Nagito had first met Hajime, he was immediately invested in him. He knew for a fact that he might've come off as clingy when he followed Hajime around the island their first day together. But now that he'd shown Hajime and everyone else his uglier side during the first trial, he felt like their relationship had been barred off. It had hit Nagito hard when he saw the look on Hajime's face. It hurt, but Nagito just continued to wear his same carefree smile, knowing it'd just be futile to continue to worry about it.

Except he couldn't stop worrying about it.

Nagito was able to push the thoughts away for a bit, but after being tied up and left in the old hotel, it was all he could think about. Hajime, Hajime, Hajime. The boy's name continued to run through his head. Nagito groaned at the thought, rolling around to try and push the thoughts away. When he heard the door open though, he sat up. As much as he was actively trying to avoid and forget Hajime, he smiled wide when he saw him.

"Hajime...?" He said, the smile on his face only getting bigger, "could it be...? Did you take time out of your busy day to bring some food to little old me?"

Nagito realized his tone and the disgusted look on Hajime's face. Despite that, he continued, too happy to worry about it.

"Wow, I'm so happy!" Nagito giggled softly, "as you can see, I can't exactly greet you with my full hospitality... but feel free to relax"

Nagito and Hajime sat in silence for a minute and Nagito watched as Hajime's eyebrows furrowed.

"Huh, what happened? Your face looks kinda scary" Nagito raised an eyebrow.

Finally Hajime spoke up, "I didn't come here to talk to you... I just came to bring you some food"

Hajime's words sounded colder than usual. It saddened Nagito a little, but he reminded himself why this happened. It was his fault, he knew it. He cursed himself in his head, knowing things probably wouldn't have turned out this way if he had kept his cool.

After Hajime set the food on the floor, Nagito just stared at it. This made Hajime impatient, trying to get Nagito to hurry up, "so come on, eat it"

Nagito looked up to Hajime, just letting whatever come out of his mouth. It's not like it mattered now that Hajime hated him, "huh? You're not going to feed me?"

"Wh-what do you mean!?" Hajime looked a little taken aback by Nagito's question.

"Well, I can't eat it on my own. You know, since my hands are all tied up..." Nagito explained. It made sense to him at least, "actually, I was really embarrassed to ask a girl to feed me, so I'm glad you're the one who came"

Hajime looked like he was thinking, so Nagito waited until some of his facial features relaxed to continue speaking.

"Anyway... what happened to Mahiru? Did she leave saying she had some business to take care of?" Nagito asked.

Hajime looked almost shocked, "huh? Why do you know that?"

Nagito chuckled softly, continuing on, "by the way, I heard about... Twilight Syndrome Murder Case, was it? I have mixed feelings... I really liked that game a lot"

"D-Don't change the subject! I'm asking you-"

"Oh well, I'm a little disappointed" Nagito said, his rambling seemed to help push away his thoughts about Hajime, "it's not like you Ultimates to ignore the threat that's standing right in front of you. So are you really planning not to play the game? Do you think Monokuma will just let that slide?"

Hajime seemed to be at a lost for words, his eyes wandering the room as he spoke, "w-well... that is..."

"You guys should confront it... After all, hope springs when you confront despair" Nagito said, smiling to Hajime.

Hajime started back at Nagito, seeming to be lost in thought again. When he spoke up though, it was almost saddening to Nagito, "I don't want to be tricked by you anymore. Bye now"

Nagito sat up when Hajime turned around, "ah, hey Hajime? Weren't you planning to feed me?"

Hajime looked back to Nagito, giving him an opportunity to speak.

"Please? I'm really hungry and it's hard to eat without access to my hands" Nagito looked up to Hajime, "I'll shut up, I promise"

Hajime looked to Nagito for a moment, then he sighed while his face softened, "fine... sit up"

Nagito nodded and sat up for Hajime, "thank you Hajime, I'll be forever in your debt..." he smiled, scooting towards Hajime.

"Well it'd be no good if you starved to death... Monokuma would probably find a way to call it a murder" Hajime said, taking some of the food off the tray and brought it to Nagito's mouth, "open up..."

Nagito opened his mouth, eating the food as Hajime fed him. He smiled softly, this was probably the closest he'd ever been to Hajime. The food was pretty good too, so that kept Nagito pretty happy.

While he ate, Nagito looked back to Hajime, "could you come again tomorrow?"

"Maybe, I can't guarantee anything" Hajime said softly.

"Oh of course!" Nagito chuckled, "I'm sure you have much more important things to do than bring me food"

Hajime just nodded, finishing up Nagito's food. He took the tray and stood up, "happy?"

"Yes! Thank you Hajime, thank you!" Nagito smiled.

Then Hajime turned and left. As soon as the door shut, Nagito's smile dropped. He laid back onto the floor and sighed. Hajime always knew how to make Nagito happy, even if he insulted him. And now that he was gone, the constant thought of Hajime returned to him. Everything from his soft looking hair, to his snappy attitude, everything Hajime did made his heart flutter. Nagito squeezed his eyes shut, he was going to give himself a heart attack from thinking about Hajime. He sat up again, groaning softly to himself. He attempted to force Hajime out of his head, but even a small idea could send him spiralling back down into about 10 more new thoughts about the boy. Is his hair really as soft as he thought? What does a hug from him feel like?

"Stop it..." Nagito mumbled to himself. He was sick of all of this, he just wanted to stare off into space in peace without any interruptions.

But his groans and scowl soon turned into smile. He giggled softly, "Hajime actually fed me... I feel quite special..." he said to himself.

Nagito gave up forgetting about Hajime. He giggled and let anything and everything about Hajime take over his thoughts. His head hung back as Nagito's fantasies ran wild in his head. He had a clear visualization of Hajime in his head. He started from the bottom and worked his way up. His shoes made him chuckle a little, they were so casual for the nice school uniform he was wearing, but they were quite functional. Nagito smiled as he moved up Hajime's body. He wondered what it'd be like to hug him or just hold him. Are his hands soft? Nagito wanted to find out. Then his face, oh Hajime's face... Hajime always had such a serious look on his face, but when Hajime smiled it seemed that all of his features would suddenly soften. When Hajime smiled Nagito couldn't help but stare. Nagito laid on his side and sighed happily, maybe these thoughts weren't as bad as he thought.

"Oh Hajime... I hope I can get to know you better soon..." Nagito smiled softly, closing his eyes. Maybe he could finally get some rest.

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