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It turns out sleeping it off seemed to do the trick. In fact, Nagito woke up feeling more determined than discouraged. He wanted to find a way to make Hajime like him. Sure, it sounded forceful, but Nagito was prepared to change anything about himself if it meant he got Hajime. Though he still felt that it'd be better to keep his distance for a bit. Nagito had to build himself back up before talking to Hajime again. Yeah, he figured that was the right choice. He smiled softly as he got changed, he was going to be nice to himself. He'll just distance himself from Hajime for a while and forget about him for a bit, then he'll be ok! Nagito nodded to himself and grabbed his things, then headed off to the restaurant for breakfast.

As everyone met up to eat, Nagito made sure to stick to his word. He went as far as to sit across the room from Hajime. He knew he had others to talk to, so he took advantage of that. He decided to sit with Ibuki, she was pretty cool so that should keep him distracted for a while.

"Oh hey Nagito!" She smiled as Nagito approached.

"Good morning Ibuki" Nagito chuckled, sitting down beside her, "how was your night?"

"Good! Ibuki slept like a baby!" Ibuki giggled, "hey, can Ibuki ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure thing!" Nagito smiled, leaning on his hands and looking to Ibuki.

"You wanna hang out today?" She offered, looking pumped.

Despite the excited look on Ibuki's face, Nagito had to decline, "sadly not today, I think I want to explore the island by myself today"

"Aww, ok!" Ibuki whined a little, "but you have fun ok?"

"I will, don't worry" Nagito smiled softly.

After breakfast was over, Nagito was the first one out. He hurried off of the hotel grounds and started to wander, giving himself some well deserved alone time. The third island had recently opened, so he decided to go check that out.

Nagito wandered around the surprisingly empty island, maybe everyone had already looked around. He first stopped at the hospital there. Nagito felt a small sense of familiarity with the hospital, making him chuckle softly. He didn't go inside though, he didn't want to feel too familiar. Nagito simply nodded towards the hospital, almost like he was simply acknowledging it existed, then he moved on. Nagito then came up to the music venue. He chuckled softly, he found the name of the venue quite funny. Nagito took a minute to look inside. It was pretty empty and spacious, hopefully they'd be able to put this place to use. Then Nagito moved on, coming up to the motel. Nagito wandered around the motel grounds, going to check out the rooms. But that proved impossible since he needed a motel key and Nagito didn't feel like going to get one. He soon moved on, ending up at electric ave. Nagito was quite interested in all the technology, even if he didn't know much about it. He checked to see if any of the electronics worked, but didn't have much luck surprisingly. Then he made his way back to the last area on the island, the movie theatre. Nagito looked through the area. He went to open the door to the theatre itself, only to be stopped by Monokuma.

"Ah ah ah! You can't get in without a ticket!" Monokuma shook his head.

"Well, where can I get a ticket?" Nagito asked, crossing his arms.

"Uh... I don't have any yet" Monokuma said, looking down in embarrassment.

"Well when are you gonna get one? I think it'd be nice to watch a movie with everyone" Nagito said.

"I'll let you know when I do Nagito, now you enjoy your time!" Monokuma laughed, before disappearing.

Nagito sighed a little, that was all he could do on that island for now. He got one last good look at everything as he made his way back to the bridge, then returned to the first island. Maybe he could just sleep the day away. Yeah, that sounded like a plan. Nagito was starting to get tired, so a nap wouldn't hurt. But he was stopped in his tracks as he made his way back to the hotel. Hajime and Chiaki. Nagito hid so the two wouldn't see him. He had completely forgot about Hajime while he was out, which was good then, but now Nagito was just frustrated. Why did they have to be here now? As much as Nagito could wear a smile and say he was fine, but he wasn't quite over his failed confession. Honestly he didn't know if he would be able to get over it. Nagito sighed and left where the cottages were, he could nap later. As he was walking away to find something else to do, he stopped. Maybe he didn't have to nap in his cottage. He knew there were some pretty big trees in Jabberwock park, so maybe he could catch a nap under one of them in the shade. Sure, he'd be leaving himself vulnerable, but he trusted his luck.

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