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Morning came too quickly for Nagito. He hadn't fallen asleep until later at night, but it felt like the moment he fell asleep it was time to get up. Nagito rubbed his eyes, trying to rub the tiredness away. He yawned and sat up, hearing the small cracks in his back as he stretched. Then Nagito got out of bed, and started to get ready for the day. He brushed his hair like Hajime told him, it felt a little easier today than it was when Hajime brushed it. Even if it still stung, he allowed himself to smile at the thought of Hajime. Once his hair was all brushed out, he went and grabbed his jack then put on his shoes on, then went to get some food for the day.

Nagito went to the restaurant and got his breakfast for the day, then sat down. He was eating by himself for the most part, until a plate was set down beside him. Nagito jumped a bit, then looked up to see who it was.

"Oh Kazuichi, hello" Nagito smiled softly.

"Yo, mind if I sit here?" Kazuichi asked.

"Of course! I didn't expect anyone wanting to sit with trash like me, but I'm ok with it!" Nagito said, moving over for Kazuichi.

"You were acting a little strange yesterday, is everything ok?" Kazuichi asked once he sat down.

"Well, I don't think I should be talking about it in such a public space..." Nagito chuckled softly.

"Then how about we hang out? I'm curious dude" Kazuichi suggested.

"Really?" Nagito smiled and looked to Kazuichi, "I'd love to, thank you for inviting me!"

"Yeah, no problem..." the pink haired boy chuckled softly.

Nagito ate a little quicker that morning, he was happy that maybe he was gonna make another friend. Sure, it might've been a little strange to go straight to opening up with someone, but Nagito was willing to do it. Once he was all finished, he stayed beside Kazuichi, waiting for him to finish. Once Kazuichi stood, Nagito followed behind. They got rid of their plates and Nagito continued following Kazuichi out of the restaurant.

"So, what's going on?" Kazuichi asked, walking with Nagito towards the central island.

"Um... I don't really know..." Nagito put his hands in his pockets, he didn't know how to word it exactly. Was he really just going to say he was mad because Hajime looked at someone? He sighed to himself, trying to pick his words carefully.

"Let's go to the diner and sit, that'll probably be more private" Kazuichi said, going over the bridge to the second island.

Nagito nodded followed Kazuichi to the diner, the two of them sat down. Then the pink haired boy stayed quiet, allowing Nagito to speak.

"I've been having weird kinds of feelings I guess..." Nagito looked down, "it's just- Hajime's really important to me and I saw the way he looked at Chiaki and I don't know why, but I just got mad and I never get mad, I-"

"Are you jealous?" Kazuichi cut Nagito off, "then... does that mean you're in love with Hajime?!"

"Ah- no!" Nagito felt his face heat up a little bit, "I mean- maybe? I don't exactly know what romantic love is supposed to feel like..."

"Well, do you see yourself close to Hajime on the future?" Kazuichi asked, he had similar feelings towards Sonia, so he thought he might as well try and find out how Nagito was feeling.

"Yeah, I want to spend the rest of my life with him! He makes me so happy" Nagito smiled.

"And there's your answer" Kazuichi chuckled.

"What?" Nagito tilted his head a little, leaning on his hand.

"It's obvious you're in love Nagito" Kazuichi smiled, "you should say something"

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