Chapter 4

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Your POV

~The Next Day~

Today is Jane's birthday and me and Mal have the perfect present for her. We were just about to leave for the party, but pink smoke appeared behind us. I tapped Mal on the shoulder and we turned around to see Audrey standing in the middle of the smoke. She looked extremely different. She has a new outfit, black nails, hot pink hair with a lot of colorful ends. And she has the scepter and my mom's crown?! What?! She smirked

Audrey: I was hoping you were home

Me: This is a joke right? What are you doing with my mom's crown and the scepter?

Audrey: I wanted them, so I took them. You of all people should understand that Mal

She leant down and inhaled the scepter. Mal handed Jane's gift to me

Mal: Wait, Audrey, stop! Don't use that

Audrey: I thought you liked spells

Me: Okay, Audrey, you're better--

Audrey: Quiet!

Mal: It's not a toy! It's dangerous!

Audrey: I want to be dangerous. My life was perfect until you stole it. And Auradon turned it's back on me. It's time for a little payback

She started to walk away, but Mal called out to her

Mal: Audrey, wait!

Audrey turned around and blasted her magic at Mal

Me: Mal!

When the smoke cleared, Mal was now a very VERY old lady. Audrey cackled

Audrey: You think Ben will love you now you old hag?

E, Jay, and Carlos came running out of the castle. Audrey all but just smirked at us

Audrey: So long suckers!

She then disappeared in pink smoke. Jay reached out to help Mal but stopped himself when he saw her

Jay: Whoa! You might wanna think of a spell for that

Mal: There's no spell that could reverse the curse of the scepter and crown

She croakily said. We have to find a way to fix this. Pronto.

Mal: Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge and all of Auradon is in danger

Carlos: What should we do?

Mal: The only thing more powerful than the crown and scepter... is Hades' ember and the King of Hearts magic staff

Me: Wait really?

I was excited. I didn't get to see my dad that much on the Isle because he was always busy with something. I couldn't figure out what though, but he has always treated me like a daughter and he wasn't evil to me unlike mom. I just wished I said goodbye to him when I left. I shook my head. I have to focus

Me: I'm sure my dad will give me the staff, but there is always doubt

Jay: Great. And like Hades is just gonna hand over the ember. And no one knows where his lair is

Celia stepped up

Celia: I do. I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's

Mal: You're coming

Celia rolled her eyes

Ceila: But I just got here

Dizzy: Mal?

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