Chapter 10

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Your POV

Audrey was placed in her bed under the covers. I placed my hand on her's and looked at Mal

Me: She's slipping away

Mal: There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this and that's Hades

Ben: Hades? He wouldn't do it. And I wouldn't risk it

Mal: Actually, he might do it for me...He's my father

Ben sighed

Ben: Well, I'll have to send guards to get him

Uma: Maybe I can hitch a ride

Everyone looked at Uma

Uma: The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it

Harry put his hands on Uma's shoulder's

Harry: Well then... You'll need your first mate

Uma smiled

Mal: The Isle will be in very good hands

Celia stood up next

Celia: Can I go too? I wish I can be in both places

Mal stood up

Mal: I really think that Evie and Y/N were right. And... I do think we could've been friends. And I'm really sorry I lied to all of you guys. You deserve so much better than that

Jay: You were just trying to do the right thing

Uma: Yeah

Evie stood up and looked at Mal

Evie: I get it

I stepped up too

Me: I wanna go to the Isle to say goodbye

Mal: To your dad?

I nodded sadly

Mal: So you're not leaving for good?

Me: As much as I'll miss my dad and mom, I couldn't just leave like that. Auradon's my home and you guys are my family

Mal smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back. The next day, we dropped Uma, Harry, Gil, and Celia back at their homes. I said goodbye to my dad. It surprisingly wasn't emotional. We laughed until we cried, and he told me that I'll always be his little queen and I told him that he'll always be my hero. I gave him the biggest hug and I told him I loved him. He told me he loves me too and that was it. We arrived back at Auradon Prep with Hades in chains and handcuffs. I stepped out of the way and Mal stepped up to Hades

Mal: Thank you for coming

Hades: Didn't have much choice

Ben: Can you wake her?

Hades: Since when do heroes care about villains?

Ben: She's--

Hades: One of your own. Right. When you guys try to destroy the world... it's an error in judgement. But when it's one of us... lock 'em up and throw away the key. Right, Beast?

He lifts his hands up

Hades: I'm gonna need to use my hands

Ben nods to the guards, signaling to let him go. Hades grabs the ember from Mal and his hair lights up. Hades smirks

Hades: Haven't lost my touch

Hades walks over to the end of the bed and did his magic on Audrey. She rose from the bed and fluttered her eyes open

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