Chapter 5

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Your POV

We made it across the ocean safely and drove the bikes on land. Avoiding people the best we can, everyone parked their bikes next to a railing and hopped off. Mal took off her helmet and looked at her hands. She was her old self again

Mal: Hey, I'm me again!

Celia:Duh! Evil magic doesn't work here! Kinda the point

Celia led us to her dad's underground arcade. I walked towards the TV. I grabbed a coin and placed it inside the TV. Carlos joined me and sat down. He patted his lap and I sat on it as he snaked his arm around my waist

"Alerts of a sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon"

Carlos: Uh guys. Come look at this

"They are rumours that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil"

The reporter touched his earpiece

"We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way? It's moving this way!"

The reporter then sped off

Me: Let's go

I stood up and headed for the door as the others followed. We walked out of the arcade, but only to see our bikes were occupied by other people

Carlos: Wow! Rookie mistake

Harry: Long time no see

Jay: Get off my bike Hook

Harry: Catch me if you can Jay

He laughed and sped off with the bikes

Evie: Over the roofs. Cut 'em off

Celia tried to follow but Mal stopped her

Mal: Hey, hey, hey, hey, not you. They got this. You, me and Y/N need to go find the ember and staff

Celia: Good timing. It's right about his nap time. Hades I mean

We followed her to Hades' lair. Barking could be heard from miles. I pointed at the sign that say "BEWARE OF DOG"

Me: Hey, how big is that dog?

Celia looked at the sign and whispered

Celia: You'll see

We entered the lair quietly. Celia turned to us and whispered

Celia: Okay, stay quiet. It echoes like crazy in here

We all put on our helmets and ride the bike to Hades. Once we got there, we carefully made our way down the stairs to the couch where Hades was sleeping. I looked to the right and realized that a record player was causing the barking noise. Mal snuck behind the sofa and while Celia turned off the record player. I just then noticed that Hades had on shades while he was sleeping

Hades: What're you doing here?

Celia: I noticed you were low on canned corn

She pulled out a can from her bag and tossed it to Hades. Mal took this chance to grab the ember, but Hades stopped her by grabbing her wrist. He took off his shades and looked at Mal

Mal: Hi Dad

Hades: Quite a show you put on the other day

Mal: Right back at you

Hades smiled and stood up

Hades: I was just coming to see you

Mal: Really? Wonder why. Is it because I'm gonna be Queen?

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